[Paid | MLO | DLCs] Capozzo Luxury Cardealer

Capozzo Automotive. A Del Perro Cardealer.

Hi everyone! This is a cardealer, is modeled on a famous brand style, jeep’s retail dealer.

Hope you like it and enjoy this release!

Inside our discord you’ll find 12h CET support for all maps related problems.

They will be distributed in tebex, and you can install-uninstall them as your wish. DLC release date is every 2 months.

Map Showcase Video




Service Room

First Floor office

Changelog 26-03-23

* Fixed collision materials that caused glitches rendering certaing glasses, inside another glasses.
* Changed some materials.
* Interior sigh changed.
* Changed all props to custom ones to avoid "collision missing" problems with DLC props.
Changelog 13/04/2023

Major Update! New DLC is out! 
All the interiors are changed, new spaces were added. Re-download from Tebex!  

Other resources:
[MLO] Perfect Shine - Carwash
[MLO] Cubic Design House
[MLO] Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Niiice! I think the tebex link is messed up tho, keeps taking me to login page

1 Like

Thanks for your reply! You were right, i update the link! Thanks :heart:

It’s been reworked! the new update brings a new entire floor, with a CEO office and all the privacy needed! There is also a service room! Check it out!