[PAID] [MLO] 2 Mandem Hood ( 3 extra gift maps )


Hello, I’m Aegon. You can find the custom-designed maps I create for my customers or the ones I build from scratch in my store. If you wish, you can contact us to get personalized maps.

You are familiar with the Mandem Block in Nopixel, and we are releasing two separate hoods specifically designed for that block and the gas station in the SS area. (We can replace the “Mandem” text with your own text, please contact us regarding this.)
(Visit Tebex for contact information.)

Mandem Hoods ( 3 extra gift maps )


The additional maps you will receive when you purchase Mandem Hoods.

Aegon Casino Club

Aegon Tequilala

Aegon Mechanic

| Code is accessible | N/A |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A |
| Support | Yes |


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A discount of 20 euros has been applied to the package.

Also can I start the mlos separately or do i have to have all of them in ??

All maps can be used separately.

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If you wish, you can personalize the map according to your preferences. Please contact us to discuss this further.

It looks quite successful. If you remove the gift maps and offer the two main maps for a total price of 50 euros, it could be more accessible for everyone.

The price has been reduced to 55 euros for everyone to access, and the gift maps have not been removed. If you make a purchase, you can still receive the 3 gift maps.