[PAID][MINIMAP] Liberty City / New York City ( LC / NYC ) Custom Mini Map

Brief Description:

  • Liberty City / New York City Minimap
  • All Real Locations (LC Coming Soon)
  • Already pre-made into a script (Basically Plug and Play!)

(Just To Clarify, the background is cleared out in-game!)


You can buy this here

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 15
Requirements None
Support Yes
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Isn’t this strictly against r* tos, thus like… bannable ?

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why would it be against their tos?

Not sure if Im in mood to skim through forums, but I remember rockstar being very strict with how far mappers can go. As far as i remember, editing any landscape beyond default map and cayo perico (such as additional islands, cities etc) is forbidden.


Who cares :person_shrugging: it’s just a minimap

Does this include a file for street name conversion? So times square doesnt say legion square

Where do you see this?

native street names, for example if i use a dispatch that uses data…streetname does your map come with something that changes the natives street names as well?

No, it doesnt.

do you have a version with no text? the names block streets from being seen

why ii started my server but i still see los santos map, and when i pressed start the map shows nyc
what to do?

PLA violation