[PAID] Meth Lab MLO

[PAID] Meth Lab MLO

This MLO is perfect for your fivem server as its a small yet fully functional MLO with all your needed props to be able to successfully make your drugs inside of this MLO. This MLO is located on the far side of LSIA with a discreet design and look to make it so its hard for your players to locate.

Walk through: https://youtu.be/JWtgBjw5Cz8
Discord: Redline Developments
Tebex: https://redlinedev.tebex.io/package/6746659

Custom orders are open for the following: MLOS / CLOTHING / CHAINS / +MORE

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Number of rooms 1 Room
Number of entities 50+
Requirements & dependencies FiveM
Support Yes