[PAID] Medical Archives (MDT)

Hello RedM Community,

The specified script is a requirement for roleplay servers based on the Medical Departments.

It is a script for creating a treatment history background on a patient and storing all treatment and procedure records for a better roleplay experience.



Click to display the screenshots


:white_check_mark: TP LIBS (Latest)

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:white_check_mark: TPZ-CORE

:white_check_mark: VORP

:white_check_mark: GUM

:white_check_mark: RSG

:white_check_mark: QBCORE

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  • Friendly & Unique NUI Design Environment which supports all the screen resolutions and is very responsive to all actions and data (All the text can be translated or edited).

  • Create multiple (unlimited) medical database office department locations (Fully Configurable), including multi-job support.

  • Medical History Treatment Records are displayed in a list with pages (10 items each page) and are displayed with the procedure / treatment reason, medical provider and timestamp based on the department.

  • Medical Patient Registrations for registering a new (not existing) player to the Medical Database Office which creates a Patient ID based on the department (Patient Registration is required for creating patient documents).

  • Medical Forms (Configurable), All forms will contain all the required information about the patient, full name, description, date, department and the doctor who signed and created this document. Also, those forms can be used for other kind of medical reasons based on the desired roleplay (such as psychological, psychiatrical or dental departments and more).

  • Medical Database Office Department can also provide you a document that has been made for displaying it to other players (such as psychological documents), those documents can be displayed and shared by opening a selection menu (From TP Libs), which is through a command or a pressed key interaction and it will contain all your documents (The ones who doctors have shared to you).

  • Patients, a page displaying all the registered patients based on the department, all the patients are displayed in a list with pages (10 items each page), on the specified page, you can search a patient based on their First & Last name or Patient ID and create a document or checkout the Patient Personal Information and History Background.

  • Item Registrations (In case someone wants to use items - books for the medical archives management).

  • Realistic Signing Forms which also includes a sound when performing this action.

  • 3DText above the Archive Locations when being close within some distance (configurable).

  • Possibility to delete created forms and also registered patients.

  • Webhooks based on every department separately.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500+
Requirements TP Libs
Support Yes

:warning: The script is semi-language supported and only some Languages will not be having any issues, this is not a feature, a language can be supported only if the script used font supports it.

A refund will be rejected if the reason is for unsupported language.

If the script doesn’t work properly or you don’t know how to set it up properly, the team will happily assist you.


:shopping_cart: Click the following for purchasing it on Tebex

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Really Nice Script love the layout love the system

Sadly it falls through with one key issue You cant add a person to more than one department’s Book So while the config promotes a physician & medical department a patient can’t be added to both books.

past that its amazing but I do believe that missing that is its main disadvantage

Hello you can contact me to my discord, i never knew this, sounds like a bug? A patient should be added on all different departments with no problems

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