[PAID] [MAP] The Sahara Desert | x5 Bigger Than The GTA 5 Map!

This map is a HUGE barren wasteland/canvas for you to do whatever on. It is custom made in Blender and is x5 bigger than the base GTA 5 map.

Purchase Here: Click Here! ($15 USD)

The map is well optimized so there is little to no fps drops, the map is located on the left side of the main map, you cant miss it.!

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Very cool but kinda useless unless people are going to be adding onto it for YMAP/MLO type stuff.

I instantly had visions for Mad Max RP with a few main towns scattered that sell/trade various resources and then players could form factions and build bases but… yeah.

Try sprinkle some vegetation around, rock outcrops, mesa type valleys and some rusted up structures would be amazing.


W script

Looks great! could you post a video preview?

when i see the preview, i thinks i buy…but without video…

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I’m thinking of buying, but no video! Shame

same i wanna see a video :smiley:

Its replace the default map or cayo?

Would you like to join me on this adventure? :grin:

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What do ya mean?

I agree this is a cool idea but with out some reason tp draw people to it, I see it being unused a lot

I’d use it if it had heaps of locations to it, but otherwise…

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does it replace the gta 5map?

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Nope! Its an addition to the map, its located on the left side of the map


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