[PAID][MAP] The Green Ranch

Ranch located at the north exit of BlackWater



  • 2 floors
  • 3 rooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • 1 kitchen
  • 2 living rooms
  • 1 stable
  • The front and back doors are set to be locked with any doorlock script.
  • Coordinates and hashes of the doors included in the package .

My others maps!:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements No
Support Yes
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Hi! Is there any way this Ranch could be placed on another part of the map? I really really love it but I’d like it to be somewhere else on the map for my RedM server.
Thank you for your time

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hi! I’m glad you like it. At the moment this map is for that specific place, north of blackwater. Soon I will publish a pack of houses to use with a spooner that will contain these models to place them where you want.
I could also make it personalized in the location you want. you can open ticket in my discord

Oh awesome, the spooner thing sounds great. I will open a ticket on your discord shortly. Thank you so much!!

UPDATE 1.0.1 | 16-09-2023

  • Fixed problem with streaming entities that caused the ranch to disappear from a certain position