[PAID] [MAP] Frozen Temple

Inspired by the theory of the Templars of America

  1 - Add a Temple to the frozen mountain
  2 - Entry > Hallway > Main Hall > Catacomb > Cave
  3 - Totally darkness and Enigms inside
  5 - 90 custom props
  6 - Configurable
  • This is not a MLO, it is a map assembly with custom asset and timecyle
  • Ideal for an Event and fill the lack of things to see in the far north
  • The dungeon is entirely in the dark, without a lantern or torches it is impossible to orient yourself
  • Puzzles are configurable and synchronized with other players and arriving players
  • Tested on a server partner with ~30 players, no crash related
  • Mapping starts at : -1847.221, 2756.718, 564.315

Buy this unique Map HERE

Buy this unique Map HERE

| Code is accessible | No
| Subscription-based | No
| Lines (approximately) | 800
| Requirements | No
| Support | Yes


FR : Grâce à ce script, nous avons pu faire vivre un événement haut en couleur à notre communauté de FarWestQc. Les joueurs ont adoré leur aventure! Ça vaut la peine de faire vivre l’expérience en groupe! L’ambiance est exceptionnelle et grandiose tout au long du parcours. Merci beaucoup, Areski, pour ce mapping qui sort du commun !

EN : Thanks to this script, we were able to bring an incredible event to our community. The players loved their adventure! It’s worth doing the experience as a group! The atmosphere was exceptional and grandiose throughout the course. Thank you very much for this unusual mapping!

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Hey I recognize that place :wink:

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