[PAID][M-ZonesCreator] QBCORE - ESX

Welcome to M-ZonesCreatorV2, the ultimate solution for efficient and customized zone management on your FiveM server! This powerful tool allows you to create and edit in-character (IC) zones easily and quickly, providing a high-quality administration experience.

Key Features:

  • IC Zone Creation: Design your virtual world with ease. Create specific IC zones for your server, defining precise coordinates.
  • Full Editing: Modify all existing IC zones according to your needs. Update texts, coordinates, radios, and other details with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Customized Notifications: Various types of notifications including a personalized one within the script, also provides notifications like qbcore/esx.
  • Optimized Performance: With an impressive response time of 0.0ms, M-ZonesCreatorV2 ensures efficient management without delays, providing a smooth gaming experience for your players.

How It Works:

M-ZonesCreatorV2 simplifies the process of creating and editing IC zones in FiveM. From the admin panel, you can adjust the zones, providing a powerful tool for the development and management of your server.

| Code is accessible | Yes/No |
| Subscription-based | Yes/No |
| Requirements | ox_lib |
| Support | Yes/No |

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