[PAID] Luthous Designs Custom Plate Pack #1

Hello, I am releasing my first resource under Luthous Designs LTD, Luthous was a well known EUP/Livery Developer that has since sold his server, hence why I am the current owner.
This is a simple plate pack I made in photoshop to replace all 5 plates with S.A. based, better looking plates, I will admit they are pretty simple because I wanted to see what people think of the pricing, etc.
I also restored the yankton plate to a newer looking one just because.
Constructive Criticism appreciated, and if this seems too expensive please do let me know.

Tebex Link

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements XnPlates (linked on tebex)
Support No (all info needed is on tebex)
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