LSRP Drugs Final
Hey there, another release
As there are plenty of planting / drug resources emerging out of nowhere (without proper optimization, meaning your servers are getting laggier and / or cause drops due to too many existing props), I decided to sell my optimized version without escrow and fully open sourced. This means my other projects will get more priority than this, however I will gladly assist you with any issue and / or implementing new features.
Summary of features in this script
- Creation of infinite strain possibilities (cocaine / weed)
- Placing preview (You can precisely plant plants wherever you want / allowed)
- Watering / fertilizing plants will increase quality over grow time
- You can enable pot planting (requires pot with metadata - you have to collect dirt in pot)
- Allows you to destroy / harvest plants when allowed (configurable with each plant)
Config preview
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 2000 including UI |
Requirements | ox_lib & ox_inventory |
Support | Yes |