[PAID] LSPD EUP PACK 2.0 | Phantom Clothes | MALE & FEMALE

LSPD Clothing Pack

Enhance your roleplay with a premium LSPD clothing pack featuring four color variants:
:black_heart: Black, :blue_heart: Navy Blue, 🩶 Gray, and :white_heart: White.

:package: What’s in the package?

  • :billed_cap: Headgear: Hats and helmets
  • :tshirt: Clothing: Pants, shirts, jackets, and more
  • :medal_military: Accessories: Insignias, badges, tactical belts, holsters and glasses
  • :shield: Tactical Gear: Vests, radios, body cameras, masks and gloves

:movie_camera: Trailer Of Package:


:movie_camera: Full Preview Of Package:

Coming Soon

:moneybag: Price: 13.5$

:pushpin: Purchase now at the Tebex Store.

:rotating_light: FRACTION EUPS


:briefcase: JOB EUPS

:memo: Additional Information

Feature Status
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None
Support Yes

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Open source yes no, maybe because it says N/A

Update 2.0

The pack is pretty decent for the price it was released for.

Few pieces of feedback for you though.

1.) The coller saying “police” all the way around is not needed.

2.) The American flag is facing the wrong direction. Needs to be flipped around.

3.) Please keep releasing and doing what you’re doing. No practice was perfect at first.

EMS update soon

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