Disclaimer: This mapping may conflict with other mappings you have. I am not responsible for resolving any such conflicts. Below is a list of all the files used in this mapping. It is your responsibility to check for potential conflicts with existing YMAPs or other relevant files on your server and make any necessary adjustments if needed.Metadata files used:
- vw_lodlights_small047.ymap
- vw_lodlights_small046.ymap
- vw_lodlights_medium015.ymap
- vw_distlodlights_small047.ymap
- vw_distlodlights_small046.ymap
- vw_distlodlights_medium015.ymap
- hei_dt1_rd1_strm_3.ymap
- hei_dt1_rd1_long_0.ymap
- pillbox_hill.ymtDrawables files used:
- dt1_rd1_r1_11.ydr
- dt1_rd1_r1_11b.ydr
- dt1_rd1_r1_ovly_22_nb.ydr
- dt1_rd1_r2a_slod1_children.ydd
- dt1_rd1_r2f_slod1_children.yddCollision files used:
- dt1_rd1_0.ybn
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