V2 version of clean hud for your FiveM server.
- Health, Armour, Hunger, Thirst Status System
- Speedometer System
- Gear System
- Seatbelt System
- Light indicator System
- Engine System
- Turns indicators System
- Fuel System
- Cash/Bank balance
- Server Logo
- Server information (id, player count, time)
Buy here
Buy ESCROW 11.99€
Buy OPEN SOURCE 17.99€
Buy ESCROW 11.99€
Buy OPEN SOURCE 17.99€
Code is accessible |
Yes |
Subscription-based |
No |
Lines (approximately) |
220 |
Requirements |
esx framework |
Support |
Yes |
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Now available to buy qbcore framework hud
Adding job title, job grades and society money would be great 
Hi, Just purchased the jz-hudv2 there is no vehicle information part of the hud appearing. Any idea why this is - QB version.
what kind information is not showing?
Hud not working on QBCore… Vehicle & mini map bugged asf.
It’s something wrong with you server
Can the minimap be hidden when you’re not in a vehicle?
if you bought the open source you can do it yourself, but I have not written anywhere that this function exists.
JZ-Hud V3 coming soon??.. 
Now when you buy opensource you gonna get it on your keymaster
what could we add more to this hud?

Optimized jz-hudv2 ms. In the car (0.25ms → 0.05ms) Outside (0.05ms → 0.01ms)
Now you can change jz-hudv2 framework on config.lua.
Now on jz-hudv2 shows gear R instead of 0.
Changed jz-hudv2 carhud design.