[PAID] Judge Robe / Judicial Gown

Step into the distinguished role of justice with our FiveM Judge Robe. Made with meticulous attention to detail, this robe exudes authority and professionalism, perfect for courtroom roleplay in FiveM. Elevate your FiveM judicial experience with style in our FiveM Judge Robe.

  • Model & Texture

  • Ready to be imported into your servers EUP stream

Price: 12.99
Buy Here

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Subscription-based No
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Requirements None
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no female?

How does it look fully. You only showed the top part of it

Female version is needed

Please make a female version!

Would love to see a female version!

If you cant turn this into a Female robe yourself stop deving fivem

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Hi is this escrowed?

Why pay for something that has been released by ‘Grzybeek’ for free use? There is a M/F available on Github :slight_smile: