[PAID] Immersive Sit Anywhere Script

Welcome to Syn_Sit, your ultimate solution for immersive animations in the world of FiveM! Elevate your roleplaying experience to new heights with our seamless sitting script that allows you to bring life and realism to every corner of the virtual realm.

Discover a new dimension of interaction as you seamlessly integrate Syn_Sit into your FiveM server. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, creating dynamic scenes and scenarios has never been easier. Whether you’re aiming to set up cozy seating areas in bustling cafes, serene park benches under the moonlight, or simply want to add a touch of authenticity to your virtual world, Syn_Sit empowers you to do so effortlessly.
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (3)

Key Features:

  1. Unleash Creativity: Immerse your players in a world of possibilities by designing custom animations and sitting scenarios. Tailor each experience to suit the ambience of your server - from casual conversations to dramatic confrontations.
  2. Seamless Integration: Integrate Syn_Sit effortlessly into your existing FiveM server. With straightforward installation and clear instructions, you’ll have your animations up and running in no time.
  3. Vast Animation Library: Choose from an extensive library of animations, ensuring that every scene captures the desired mood. Whether it’s a laid-back chat, a tense negotiation, or a moment of introspection, we’ve got animations to match.
  4. Precise Object Placement: Our intuitive object placement system ensures that each animation feels natural and fluid. Fine-tune positions, rotations, and seating arrangements to create the most authentic experience possible.
  5. Player Empowerment: Give your players the agency to engage with the environment like never before. They can trigger animations at their own pace, enhancing their roleplaying experience and fostering a deeper connection to the virtual world.
  6. Regular Updates: We are committed to keeping Syn_Sit up-to-date and responsive to the evolving needs of the FiveM community. Expect regular updates with new animations, features, and optimizations.
  7. Dedicated Support: Should you encounter any hurdles, our dedicated support team is here to assist you. We’re just a message away from ensuring your experience with Syn_Sit is as smooth as possible.

Elevate your FiveM server’s roleplaying potential with Syn_Sit. Whether you’re a seasoned server owner or a passionate roleplaying enthusiast, our script offers an unmatched level of immersion and creativity. Join the ranks of those who have transformed their virtual worlds into vibrant, interactive landscapes where every animation tells a story. Embrace Syn_Sit today and revolutionize the way you and your players experience FiveM.

Improved PolyChair Creation

Code is accessible On Request
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements Ox_lib, Ox_Target
Support Yes

(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


Most immersive and easiest script to date. One thing about FiveM is that RP and sitting go hand in hand, so this script makes it so easy and seamless to act natural in RP. Can’t wait!

Is there a option to lay down on beds and sun chairs?

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You can configure any animation for any prop, It comes with most sun chairs and beds preset up.

How to take coordinates like a video

Config.Debug = true – “CreatePolyGonSeat” “SaveMyHeading” “fixchair”
set Debug to true, Run command /CreatePolyGonSeat Follow on screen instructions.

Oh entarukun, just wanted to ask, would this work with qb-target by any chance?

@NoAimGirlKane Currently it only works for Ox_target and Ox_lib. Because Ox is Goat, Even though he’s also an Ox obvi, If enough people request QB version I’ll add support for it! I would definitely recommend ox target though it works on Qb and its the best target system by far.

I know it is, but I still have unfortunately a lot of escrowed scripts that are using qb-target and aren’t supporting ox_target yet :sweat:. I plan on switching on qbox when more devs are making the shift. I’ll buy your script when I’m done with my migration then.

I feel you, I was in the same position on my server with the q-target.

function CreateTarget(id,label,pos,event,type) 
    if Config.Settings.Target == "QB" then 
        local sizex = 1
        local sizey = 1
        exports["qb-target"]:AddBoxZone(id, pos, sizex, sizey, {
            name = id,
            heading = "90.0",
            minZ = pos - 5,
            maxZ = pos + 5
        }, {
            options = {
                    type = "client",
                    event = event,
                    icon = "fas fa-button",
                    label = label,
            distance = 1.5
    if Config.Settings.Target == "OX" then
        Wrapper.zone[id] = exports["ox_target"]:addBoxZone({ -- -1183.28, -884.06, 13.75
        coords = vec3(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z - 1),
        size = vec3(1, 1, 1),
        rotation = 45,
        debug = false,
        options = {
                name = id,
                event = event,
                icon = "fa-solid fa-cube",
                label = label,
    if Config.Settings.Target == "BT" then 
        local _id = id
        exports["bt-target"]:AddBoxZone(_id, vector3(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z), 0.4, 0.6, {
            minZ = pos.z - 1,
            maxZ = pos.z + 1
            }, {
                options = {
                        type = "client",
                        event = event,
                        icon = "fa-solid fa-cube",
                        label = label,
                distance = 1.5

You can use something like that, so it can be used by most targets.

You just create targets using the function and it will create them for the target that the user has set it to.


Whats optimization on it?:slight_smile: Amazing script :heart:

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Thanks :). It has no loops active until you sit down, so 0.0 at idle. While sitting/playing anims there is one loop active that checks for key presses and position to cancel.

Make it Qb-Target Compatible Out of The Box & I’ll Buy

hey, i wanted to know if its possible to get a qb-target version of the script

is qb-target compatible out the box <3

is qb-target compatible out the box <3

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Sorry for the wait SynSit is now qb-target compatible out the box <3

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:call_me_hand:Great work my friend

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Thanks <3

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