[PAID] [HUD] TURTLY clean_hud

TURTLY - clean_hud


  • Variety of settings like color changing or theme changing
  • Basic status like health, armor, stamina, hunger, thirst
  • Carhud which includes digital speedometer, streetlabel, direction, tachometer
  • Voice hud
  • Custom notifications
  • ESX compatible and QBCORE compatible
  • Vue.js source code

Requirements for ESX:

  • esx_status
  • esx_basicneeds

Compatible with:

  • PMA-Voice (if its not your voice script, i can help you changing it)


  • Every setting is saved in web browser local storage by javascript.


Video showcase:


Tebex (buy here)


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 900
Requirements esx_status esx_basicneeds
Support Yes

PL: moj czlowiek to zrobil!!! mega dobre bierzcie to ludzie!11

ENG: my man did it!!! very good, take it people!11

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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Very nice very good looks clean yes yes good job


thanks :slight_smile:

Very clean, although I can’t get the map to load in. There is just a blank box until you’ve entered an interior.

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Maybe you’ve been restarting script while being on server? If you did, you just need to pause game and unpause. When youre joining and script is on, nothing should happen

No idea, I’ve tried to open map and close again but still no luck. This is when the servers just opened.https://imgur.com/PA7BfhV

maybe you have other script that is affecting map?

I’ll try and debug it see what’s conflicting. I was just wondering if you were aware of anything that it could be. Either way great hud, thanks mate.