[PAID] House Roberry - RedM - Dodiban Scripts

:house_with_garden: House Robbery & Illegal Item Selling for RedM – Full Criminal Immersion!

Elevate your RedM server’s criminal roleplay with a thrilling house robbery and black market script! Players will have to plan their heists carefully, outsmart NPCs (and dogs!), deal with potential police responses, and profit by selling stolen goods at shady locations. Perfect for those wanting a high-risk, high-reward system!

:tools: Key Features

:zzz: Sleeping NPCs and Stealth Mechanics

  • Noise-Based Detection: Players must move quietly or risk waking up armed inhabitants and watchful dogs.
  • Lockpick Minigame: Interactive door-breach challenge—fail and remain locked out, succeed to gain entry.

:policeman:Police and Alert System (NPCs ans Players Police Alerts

  • Adaptive NPC AI: Dogs and residents can awaken and call in lawmen if noise or violence gets out of hand.
  • Police Spawning: Shots fired or high noise triggers a dynamic police response, escalating the heist.

:handshake: Black Market Selling

  • Designated Selling Hours: Only offload goods during certain times, adding tension and scheduling.
  • NPC Buyer AI: Random outcomes—earn profit, or be betrayed if the buyer turns hostile.
  • Police Online Check: Optionally require a certain number of officers online before any black-market trade can happen.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Robbery XP and Progression

  • XP Gain & Loss: Earn XP upon successful completion, lose XP if you die mid-robbery.
  • Level Requirements: Gate certain houses behind a minimum level to reward progression and competition.

:currency_exchange: Valuable Items to Steal

  • Customized Loot: Over 25 different items can be stolen, each with unique black market prices.
  • Item Definitions: Easily add or modify items in your config/database to match your server’s economy.

:gear: Easy Customization

Control every detail through config.lua—tweak messages, spawn points, times, XP values, item lists, and more. Straightforward integration with your VORP or RSG framework.

:video_game: Gameplay Experience

High-Stakes Roleplay: Immerse your players in stealth-based burglary, cunning getaways, and nerve-racking sales to shifty buyers. Each heist feels unique and alive, driving server stories and player interactions!

:tv: Preview / Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6BJdG5JGzA

TEBEX: https://dodiban-redm.tebex.io/package/6623101

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 7000+
Requirements VORP, RSG
Support Yes