[PAID] Hexanema Cinema MLO


Today I present to you the “Hexanema” cinema. A beautiful place for players to come, have fun and sit quietly in front of a good movie while enjoying the scenery.

This MLO has :

  • 1 large reception area

  • 1 corner for taking pictures

  • 1 counter for the sale of tickets

  • 1 snack bar

  • 1 classic movie room

  • 1 VIP movie room

  • 1 office

  • 2 separate M/F toilets

  • custom props

Exclusively for FIVEM

Tebex Shop

Video Link
Script for mapping
Script for screen

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~= 200
Requirements FiveM
Support Yes

OMG :dizzy_face:

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Very nice mapping. Great Work !

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Thanks my bro

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Derien le s :wink:

It looks very nice, Bravo :relieved::+1:


is the chairs can detect and get it coords or must make configs manual?
Can you make chairs props like blackjack table have chairs bone then i can get

GetClosestObjectOfType(GetEntityCoords(Ped), 1.0, GetHashKey(‘model_name’), false, false, false)
GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(EntityId , GetEntityBoneIndexByName(EntityId , ‘Chair_Base_01’))
if it have one prop and have bones

:smiley: thank you

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Gg ! Beau boulot


could i get the coords please. been looking (not a dev)

I’m considering purchasing but I’m a little weary about conflicts w/ others maps like gabz. Does anyone use gabz maps and use this MLO?