GFG Drug Tables

:bookmark_tabs: About

GFG Drug Tables allows a player to use a drub table of a specific type, and use it to cook drugs (or really anything) based on a time and ingredient list you set in the config. All data related to the tables is saved to the database to ensure continuity in the event of crash or server restart.

:star: Features

  • Unlimited amount of tables.
  • Custom tables of any type.
  • Highly Configurable.
  • Shell and IPL support.
  • Table Durability that needs to be monitored.
  • Table explodes if durability gets too low.
  • Table Temperature that needs to be reduced either by active or passive cooling.
  • Optimized (Running at 0.00ms).
  • Anyone can interact with any table.
  • Table data set in the database (progress is saved during server restart/crash).

:hammer_and_wrench: Compatibility

Supports ox_inventory or qb-core or custom frameworks, more info in our docs.

:page_facing_up: Docs


:shopping_cart: Purchase

TEBEX $20.00 USD



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:hammer_and_wrench: GFG Crafting

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Code is accessible Some
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~ 1,444
Requirements Yes
Support Yes
1 Like

do the players get the table as a item or can i place them anywhere and the players have to find them?

The tables are created when a player uses the item, If you’d like, you can go around and place tables yourself and make the table item unobtainable otherwise, then players can go around and try to find them. We are also working on a section for static tables that cant be moved.

Hope this answers your question.

esx pleeasse

let me know when the static ones are done ill buy them then. thats more what im after i have a script now but they can pull the table out anywhere so that lets them sit in there house and use it all day and i want other player to be able to see them at tables and maybe rob them ect just makes the rp a little better but you have all the same things my script now has and for now it would be the same script and items so to make it diff i would like to hide them and them stay there and let players search for them! other then that dope script

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Any plans for ox_target/esx?

Right now the script requires either ox_target or qb-target.
as far as ESX do you mean ESX inventory? the current state of script doesn’t require any specific framework only ox_target or qb-target and ox_inventory or qb-inventory.

No need for qb core?

That’s correct, you only need one of the support target systems (ox_target or qb-target) [ox_target works well with ESX] and one of the supported inventory systems (ox_inventory or qb-inventory).
This is outlined a bit further in our Docs

any chance of a video ?

1 Like

We’ll see what we can do!

Just uploaded it, might take a few minutes for HD version to be there.


Version 1.0.3

  • Added better support for shells and IPL’s, We can’t confirm this works with every housing resource. If you notice it doesn’t work with your housing resource let us know and we will see what we can do.

Are the craft items and drugs able to be changed to make it match the citys items?

Yes, the items needed and items rewarded are configurable, you can see the all the configurable options here


Version 1.0.4

  • Added support for static tables.

  • Added more interaction options (TextUI, 3DText).

  • TextUI -


  • 3DText -


  • Re-factored placement system to by more dynamic and easier to fine tune.


  • Eliminated unnecessary loop to improve performance.

Just thought we’d let you know we have added static tables :slightly_smiling_face:

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buying it now!!!

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on the server im on none of the tables produce or the weed dosent grow is there a fix for that?