[PAID] German Medic Clothes Male

Hello i am selling this EUP Clothing thats in the Style of the German Medic Clothing i created it my self and no other Server is using it so its pretty fresh.

Tebex 8.33$ MALE

Tebex 8.33$ FEMALE


Please dont share took me some time to do it.


Also it was my first time creating :slight_smile:


The Logo on it is created by me if u want it edited you can do it yourself or also can ask me if i can do it.


Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Number of lines
Requirements EUP
Support Yes

bro, make it for female’s aswell, make the set of both! need it fast! can you? i buy if you make for female aswell

That is problably the next release yea i am already working on it :slight_smile:

Sound mate sound, how long can be takes time to do it?

Pants already done :slight_smile:

saund mate!

Close to finishing the girl version :smiley:

bitte noch polizei männlich und weiblich kuss

Es ist eine Sünde so etwas zu verkaufen

Wenn das deine Meinung ist ich habe mir mühe gegeben und es hat halt ein wenig Zeit gekostet ist ja jeden selbst überlassen ob er es will ist auch mein erstes mal ^^

okay sound sound mate, when you release?

sorry gonna take some time cause its not finished and i have work alot right now i will write here when its finished

how is going bro? :slight_smile:

Hey sorry im in hospital right now i will finish it when im out im sorry

Haha mate, christmas gift :+1:

Polizei gibt es genügend is nur sau teuer