[PAID] Garage System with nice UI


This is a ESX Garage System which has following Features:
im a beginner Frontend Developer so my frontend Code may be not perfect

  • Inactive CPU Usage: 0.00ms
  • Create Garage Ingame
  • Configurate and Translate Stuff in Config
  • No Obfuscation you can Change everything
  • Renaming Vehicles
  • Save Pearleffect, Headlight Color, Tire, and Fuel(LegacyFuel) in Database
  • Nice UI :slight_smile:

Purchase Here: 25€ + Any Tebex Fee´s / Tax

Other Scripts made by me:

Shop System with nice UI
Weaponshop System with nice UI
Tablet System with nice UI

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) >700
Requirements ESX
Support No

Support mongodb ?

will this also available for qbus?

looks very nice!


never worked with qbus sorry maybe i take a look at that later

I saw your script is not encrypted so im allowed to change it to qbus? Or?

if u buy it u can do what u want this that thing edit it to other frameworks and co ^^

it looks nice

This looks good, is the UI responsive?

If so, would there be a way we can get a short video clip of it in action?

the complete css is written in vw instead of px so that the size of the ui is the same on each resolution

Gotcha, I moreso meant when you mouse over the buttons are there animations or alternate states that get shown, like button highlights for example

Is it with impound?