[PAID] g-AntiTroll || New Player Script For fiveM

New Player Protection Script - Stay Safe from Trolls and Griefers!

This script ensures that newly joined players on your server are protected from trolls and disruptive players for a specific period of time. It’s designed to give your players a smooth and peaceful start. Here are the details:

Key Features:

  • Melee and Weapon Attack Protection: New players are protected from melee and weapon attacks from other players for a set duration, preventing trolls from harming them.
  • Vehicle Damage Disabled: Players cannot take damage from vehicle collisions during the protection period, safeguarding them from VDM (Vehicle Deathmatch) attacks.
  • Database Time Tracking: Even if a player disconnects, the remaining protection time is stored in the database and resumes when the player reconnects. This ensures continuous protection.
  • Framework-Independent Support: The script can be easily integrated into any structure or system. It is compatible with various systems running on your server.
  • Customizable Duration and HTML: Both the protection duration and the appearance of related notifications are fully customizable. You can edit the information displayed to players through the HTML structure to suit your needs.
  • Easy Config Setup: All necessary settings can be adjusted through a simple config file. You can also modify or add commands as you see fit through this file.


  • QBCore: The script is compatible with the QBCore framework.
  • Oxmysql: Oxmysql is required for database operations.

Performance and Responsiveness:

  • Low Resmon Values: The script runs with minimal resmon impact on your server, meaning it has almost no negative effect on performance.
  • Responsive Design: The UI and HTML structure displayed to players is fully responsive, seamlessly adapting to different screen resolutions.

Bring a Peaceful Start to Your Server:

By protecting new players from trolls and attackers, you can encourage them to stay longer on your server. This easily configurable and resource-light script will take your server’s security to the next level!

With these protection measures, you can offer your new players a peaceful and safe gameplay experience!

Config Pages:

Code is accessible Only Escrow
Subscription-based No Only One Times
Lines (approximately) 400+ Lines
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes