[PAID] Fuel Pump Nozzles

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Hey ToxicScripts, i need to setup some custom FuelCapOffsets for some vehicles like boats and helicopters, etc. I figured out how, but is there a grafic availlable, that shows the directions for the x,y and z coordinates? that would be really helpful for us.

Best regards

when using legacyfuel and this I get duplicate text for fueling up, etc.

Any way to disable text one one of them?

Hey, yes there is please contact our support and they will send you a script for that

Hi you must use the legacyfuel provided by the script and delete the one you already have

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ok there that works - but now the car fuel always stays at full. easy fix? thanks again

Contact our support team that issue is not from our script

ok - once I put in the provided legacyfuel script the fuel stopped working. just fyi

nvm I got it to work -

It is possible that if I buy it, you will send it to me in lua, to lower the ms

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no sorry

would be cool if getting the jerry can for $100 gave you a jerry can item you could use whenever and wherever you wanted as opposed to having to carry it to your car and use it right then.

hi this depends if your inventory saves the jerry can ammo if it does then you can use it anywhere anytime :slight_smile:

whats the name of prop if wanna whitelist in anticheat coz anti cheat deleting it

please contact our support

any chance we’ll see this synergize well with ox_fuel?

hey in our newest update the script now functions with ox_inventory using legacy fuel so you no longer need ox_fuel

yes that was added a long time ago