[PAID] Fivem Advanced Anti Multi Account Script

Fivem Anti Multi Account Script

Hello Fivem community! We are excited to introduce our powerful Anti Multi Account script, designed to combat cheaters and ensure fair gameplay on your Fivem servers.

Our script offers three options for server owners to tackle cheaters. You can choose to kick, ban, or simply log cheaters to your Discord server. The Discord logging feature is automatically enabled for all options. With this flexibility, you have the freedom to enforce the appropriate action based on your server’s rules and policies.

Administrators can easily manage bans using the Config.lua file, specifically in the Config.Admins section. By providing the Steam or license hex of the offending player, authorized personnel can lift the ban using the command “/amunban steam:hex/license:hex”.

The “locales” section allows you to define language preferences, making it customizable to cater to a diverse player base. Additionally, you can view the list of banned players in the “banned_players.json” file, which presents the information in a convenient JSON format.

Key Features:

• Kick, ban, or log cheaters to Discord
• Configurable ban management for administrators
• Language localization for enhanced user experience
• Detailed records of banned players in JSON format

Our Anti Multi Account script provides a comprehensive solution to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment on your Fivem server. Say goodbye to cheaters and create a community where players can compete on an even playing field!

For more information, please contact us. Let’s make Fivem servers cheater-free together!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the Anti Multi Account script?
A: The Anti Multi Account script is a powerful tool designed for Fivem servers to prevent players from using multiple accounts to gain unfair advantages.

Q: What actions can I take against cheaters?
A: The script offers three options: kick, ban, or log to Discord. Server owners can choose the appropriate action based on their server’s rules and policies.

Q: How can I manage bans?
A: Bans can be managed through the Config.lua file. Authorized personnel can use the command “/amunban steam:hex/license:hex” to lift bans for specific players.

Q: Can I customize the language used in the script?
A: Yes, the script provides a “locales” section where you can define language preferences to suit your server’s needs.

Q: Where can I view the list of banned players?
A: The list of banned players is available in the “banned_players.json” file, presented in a convenient JSON format.

Q: How can I obtain support or contact the script developers?
A: For support or further inquiries, please visit our thread on the Fivem Forum or reach out to us directly.

Q: Is the Discord logging feature automatic for all options?
A: Yes, the Discord logging is automatically enabled for each option, ensuring easy monitoring of cheaters.

Q: Does the Anti Multi Account script work with other Fivem scripts?
A: Yes, the script is designed to be compatible with other Fivem scripts, allowing seamless integration into your server environment.

Q: Can I suggest additional features or improvements for the script?
A: Absolutely! We value your feedback and suggestions. Feel free to contact us with your ideas, and we will consider them for future updates.


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Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 550
Requirements None
Support Yes
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where is the diffrence between this one and yours?

Nice job bro <3

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Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate your concern. I would like to clarify that while my script includes multi-account detection, it’s important to note that determined individuals may still find ways to bypass or overcome these measures. It’s an ongoing challenge to stay ahead of cheaters and their tactics.

However, my script provides a robust set of features, including ban functionalities, Discord logging, and a unique multi-account triggering method, to help identify and deter most instances of multi-account usage. While no solution is foolproof, these measures significantly enhance the security and fairness of your Fivem server.

If you have any further questions or require more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

ok did not know that

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