[PAID] Fenuxx Refund System

How convenient is it to be able to refund your online players when you yourself are not ingame?
Well, very convenient!

Script Information:

  • Refund your players while you are not in the server by creating a code for them to use ingame.
  • Codes can be created for almost everything: money, items, weapons, addon weapons, cars,…
  • You can fill in your channel id’s to get logs.
  • Almost everything is customizable, see config file below.
  • This script uses the Asset Escrow protection from FiveM.

config.lua (2.8 KB)
Store link

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Yes
Lines (approximately) 2500+
Requirements Nothing except a discord server and some coding knowledge if for example you use another framework, notify system,… We deliver the config file to work with ESX v1.1.
Support Yes

i will give it a try.

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Is working very well. Makes refunds very easy for big servers. Literally my team can work from bed and create refund codes on their phones via discord app for players. No need to extra join the game and stuff like that. Give it a try.

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Store link down :frowning:

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
We’ve updated the link in the post above.
You can also find it here: https://fenuxx-development.tebex.io/.

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