[PAID] exDev-basicneeds [ESX only]

Hello guys,

i’ve redone the standard esx_basicneeds script to be able to turn on and off hunger and thirst. Also i’ve added a drunk and stress system to that script so you can have all 4 status types in one script.


  • Enable/Disable hunger, thirst, drunk and stress
  • Set your own color for hunger, thirst, drunk or stress bar
  • Choose between 3 Notification types: ESX, Mythic and Quasar .(Quasar requires you to have QS-Inventory and QS-Core)
  • Set custom position for each type of food, drink or alcohol.
  • Set custom Props for each type of food, drink or alcohol.
  • Set custom Animations for each type of food, drink or alcohol.
  • Set a custom timeout. With that a player will be unable to use another type of food, drink or alcohol for that specified amount of time.
  • Custom Props made by wasabirobby, BzZzi and Natty3d (can be found here on the forum)
## ** CONFIG**

exDev-basicneeds - Album on Imgur

Download on Tebex | 4.99€ excl. TAX

Code is accessible Open source
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 945
Requirements ESX and ESX Status
Support Yes

Other Scripts

nice release but 11€ too much :slight_smile:


what would be a reasonable price in your eyes ? :slight_smile:

5€ without tax is good


done :wink:

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the new price is now: 4.99€

Your script is very similar to mine.
It’s a simple modification, which is why I didn’t want to sell it either.

My config

I paid the two young guys who wrote the script for me.
So that my community can easily use my props.
I know you’ve made some adjustments there, and you’ve been busy with that, too.
I don’t mind if someone uses my props in their scripts, even if it’s paid.
But it bothers me when my releases then form the basis of another creator.
My script is awaiting improvements, but now I’m hesitant to release it without the escrow system.

I’m heartbroken and disgusted.

Have a nice day and enjoy the money :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


just flag the post.

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Instead of writing something like this, contact the cfx.re support. Then they check everything. Have a good time!

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I think he used some code from you but all in all its a different script.
His script have for example a stress system


Hey BzZzi,

i have used your Code for reference and wrote it some time ago for a friend of mine. I’m really sorry for making you sad :persevere:


She is crying cause you make her cry :confused:


Shame on me for using a code as inspiration :sweat_smile:

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Please update your name on tebex that I can contact ya

do you not understand how licensing works? are you that docile?


simp (kappa)

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I know exactly how licensing works.

Using a code as inspiration and copying a code 1:1 are two different things.

I liked the way BzZzi had the config created. I took the structure from that.

Variables can be the same.

The differences between BzZzi’s script and mine in brief:

  • Timeout system
  • Stress System
  • Drunkenness System
  • Colour coding for the ESX status bars
  • User friendly
  • Custom positions for props if so set in the Config
  • Fixed positions for props if CustomPos is disabled.
  • Multiple Notification Settings

Upcoming Features:

  • Drug System with several effects
  • Items to relief the stress

Qseng I believe you.
Update your dscrd name in tebex please that I can contact ya

Name is updated :slight_smile:

But i will take a look at dscrd tomorrow

You mean like the same you did with this HUD? :rofl: