[PAID][ESX] | Zone Wars (CTF Style) V2 | KEKHUB


  • Zones created in the database
  • Certain jobs can conquer zones, become the most powerful on the island with your company!
  • Everything configurable: jobs, flag/pole/crate model, blips, colors, locations
  • Webhook for logs
  • Debug function / for server console
  • Crates with random loot that is set in the config under Loottable. Can only be looted if you own the zone!
  • 10 languages available: english, german, spanish, french, russian, portuguese, italian, chinese, japanese, korean, but you can also easily add a language yourself!

Future updates

  • Admin Menu/Commands to create/edit or delete a zone
  • Rewards for defend/holding/captured a flag
  • Powerplat - If the power station has been destroyed, no flags can be captured.
  • Smaller flags for outpost, blockroads and more


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Buy Here | 50,-€ + TAX

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