[PAID][ESX] Vangelico Robbery using qtarget & zf-context

Hello Guys,
Today I present you my first robbery resource!
This vangelico robbery uses qtarget and zf-context/nh-context and it is made for ESX.

-Easy Configurable
-No known bugs
-Low MS
-Support for all ESX inventories, not just ox inventory

-The script is only being sold as Open Source, so it is fully accessible

-qtarget or similiar
-zf-context / nh-context


Purchase: https://almin-scripts.tebex.io/package/5188461 - Price: 22€

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000 on client / 100 on server
Requirements ESX, qtarget, zf-context/nh-context
Support Yes

Hamid very good project

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Can I ask where you got that nice map from?

It is the default GTA Map, you can use bob74_ipl for that

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best script guys

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thank you for the support!

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Sorry I meant the world map with the postals on it. Looks very nice!


[Release][Free] High resolution Satellite map with custom postals try this

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