[PAID][ESX] Tutorial


Hello everyone :heart:

I’m here to introduce you to this tutorial system

Please watch the video first

Well, as you can see, the task of this script is to give a brief description of the place you have specified with a beautiful animation that you can specify the camera angles yourself to show new players to get acquainted with that place

You can specify the place for training to any number you want without any restrictions

You have 2 cameras that you determine the location yourself

You can also customize the post and put your post there

People become invisible when watching training to avoid colliding with other players

Do not worry if someone leaves the server before seeing the tutorial
Everything is stored in the database and the next series that enters the server and passes through the area, the training is broadcast to him
:grinning: :ok_hand:


  • Add unlimited tutorials

  • Flexible ui

  • It has 2 cameras with arbitrary location

  • Custom text and image


  • 100% Open source

  • Customizability

  • 0.00 usage

config file

Config = {}
Config.Debug = true
Config.WebHook = ''
Config.avatar = ''
Config.invisible = true

Config.zone_info = {
    ["1"] = {
        name = "Weapon Shop",
        db = "A",
        zone = {x = 20.49, y = -1109.112, 29.8 , r = 60.0},
        coords = {x = 24.91, y = -1146.24, z = 36.69, h = 16.0},
        coords_b = {x = 5.08, y = -1123.59, z = 30.35, h = 297.66},
        text = "This is test",
        image = "./img/weapon.png" 
    ["2"] = {
        name = "Police Station",
        db = "B",
        zone = {x = 428.67, y = -981.17, 30.71 , r = 70.0},
        coords = {x = 402.3, y = -988.59, z = 39.4, h = 269.22},
        coords_b = {x = 423.06, y = -972.86, z = 31.71, h = 225.52},
        text = "This is test 2",
        image = "./img/police.png" 


  • any version of esx

  • mysql-async


you can buy the script from Here

other scripts

Due to Nowruz, up to 1 week, 5 Euros

Please write your opinion :heart: :grinning:


so they just see the “cinematic” the first time right?, and what about if there is more persons in the car?, some news and other who already saw the tutorial?

so wont work with ox mysql

No, everyone sees the training for once
And whoever viewed the tutorial is saved in the database

I can convert it for you

Deleted post due to off forum link attached to video, although just search for matif tutorial in google.

Hello :grinning:
I checked your script
There is no resemblance except to a box in my script and yours
My script has the ability to be saved in the database and does not teleport the occupants and only changes the angles of their camera, and your script is not like that at all and works with the command.
Thank you for your opinion :heart: