[PAID] [ESX] Sport Betting System


  • Can create match
  • Delete match
  • Start match
  • End match
  • Creating custom Quota



  • NUI: NUI is open source
  • Built On: Every ESX, ESX 1.1, 1.2, Legacy
  • Type: Escrow FiveM Encyption

:shopping_cart: Purchase Open Source via Tebex
:camera: Script Preview

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 570+
Requirements esx_addonaccount; esx_society
Support Yes

Good job

1 Like

never seen something like this, cool looking script!

1 Like

Thank You brother

Thank You bro <3

good idea and good job

Thank You :smiley:

Got inspired by us?


No, with due respect i don’t even know who you are, this is idea inspired by TS-Dev Team :smiley:


Can you set the odds when you create a match?

FiveM Betting System - YouTube :smiley:

Nice script

1 Like

The system behind it is good but not right. The design looks like it was made by a 12 year old. Maybe you are just learning how to do this. I would recommend you to look for someone who makes 1A designs and can help you in many more. I also doubt that the whole thing is performant. Do you have a performance test for it? I have seen that of NKN and directly fetched, I must honestly say, it is really Performant and well suited for servers that go from 30+ players upwards. Not everyone gets something like that. Had to decide between your and their, have decided for their and regret nothing

What do you mean it’s not right?

Cringe Kezzo

Just saying their release is 10 days old and yours 3 days old.
Please stop commenting off-topic stuff under almost every sport betting release.

Maybe you bought it because of this:

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Please stop trying to get people to buy your script by “side-advertising” on this thread. It’s a shame that you’re trying to do this, and lets be honest, your UI is slightly worse than this one. Oh, and regarding performance, every customer can confirm to me that your scripts are bad when looking at performance. Please be quiet.

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Look at the video of our preview, then talk little boy.
Do you make your LifeV ESX edits that bring a lot xdd

That’s right, that’s why we’ve improved performance for late night, GLRP and co. So how bad are we?