[PAID] [ESX] RP Carry System

This is not a copy paste script that already exists free, this is a better version of my carry system, with my code!

  • Only Closest Player within Specific Radius Can Be Carried
  • No carry people when they are in vehicle
  • Unallowed Locations to carry!
  • No trolls with carry!
  • No using carry while dead or in car!
  • Protected script by cheaters using triggers and leakers
  • People cant carry you if you carry somebody!
  • No bugs/glitches with carry!
  • Asking people for carry
  • No asking dead people carry If player is dead you will not ask him for carry :slight_smile:
  • No carry trough walls,doors!
  • Working on Onesync Infinity and Legacy!
  • Option to change /carry command

  • Config.DisableAskingPeople

  • Config.DisableUsingCarryWhileDriving

  • Config.EnableUnallowedLocations

  • Config.UseRPCarry = true – Disable if you want to use carry while in vehicle, Swimming…

  • Config.GetDistanceBetweenPlayer

  • Config.TimerToAcceptCarry = 5000 – time to player accept carry, 5000 - 5sec

  • Blacklisted Zones Carry (x,y,z and radius)

  • Notification Translate in config

  • Last Updated: 4/6/2022
  • Built On: Every ESX, ESX 1.1, 1.2, Legacy
  • Type: Escrow FiveM Encyption


  • Maybe some NUI :slight_smile:


This script is fully optimized, 0.00ms resmon…


Only issuse with this script is when you are using animation when player dies, you need to disable that because that freeze character in that position and people cant carry him on shoulder.
This is not bug with script…

:shopping_cart: Purchase via Tebex ESCROW 8€
:shopping_cart: Purchase via Tebex OPEN SOURCE 16€
:movie_camera: Preview: [Preview] ESX RP Carry System - YouTube

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300+
Requirements Support Every ESX
Support Yes

This is very brutal script,perfect optimization and no exploit for players or cheaters
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Just what i looking for, perfect.

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Nice script bro, i like it :+1:

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What about when people are dead and they need to be carryed to go get revived , as they dead it will not let you pick them up ?


Yes it will pick them up, When people are dead you can carry them without asking carry :slight_smile:

easy communication and very good optimization. worth every penny!


Thank you! :smile:

Nice script!! I like it, it looks good!

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New Update 1.0.1:

  • Fixed problems with Config.DisableAskingPeople

  • Now script is working for ESX 1.1 :slight_smile:

  • Optimized code

To update, redownload the script from keymaster thank you guys <3

better without UI for better wiev of whole screen when roleplaying trust me


yes same opinion. a ui would really bother the whole thing. rather a 2nd command for e.g. squatting on the shoulder.


does this work with esx legacy?

yes it works

Yes it works on esx legacy, ESX 1.2, ESX 1.1

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Very nice script , from very good developer !
I suggest everyone to buy this script and future scripts from this guy.

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New Update 1.0.2:

  • Fixed bugs when it said you are dead you cant carry people!
  • Added new config option Config.DisableUsingCarryWhileDriving
  • Added new config optioon Config.DisableSelfUnCarry = false – This will disalbe when people can use /carry and when they could remove themselves from carry…

To update, redownload the script from keymaster thank you guys <3

Nice one bro!

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Nice script brother

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Good Job!

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