[PAID] [ESX / QBCORE] TP Markets

Supporting all screen resolutions.


TP Market is a script that allows you to have multiple market types in any locations with all type of currencies even for each item or weapon that will be sold. Also, the items or weapons can have a description and all the required information will automatically be displayed for the buyers before purchasing.

You can checkout the following screenshots:

  1. Weapon Store
  2. Food Market
  3. Displaying Store Payment Method Type (1)
  4. Displaying Store Payment Method Type (2)

Supported Frameworks :

  • ESX 1.1, 1.2 & Legacy
  • QBCore

Supported Extended Scripts :

  • QTarget.
  • OX Target
  • QB-Target.
  • OX_Inventory (ox_inventory is supported only for the paymentType such as item, ox_inventory is using money as items).


  • mythic_notify
  • okoknotify
  • pnotify
  • default (esx / qbcore).


  • Custom Markets:
  1. You can have unlimited items or weapons in a market.
  2. You can have both, items and weapons in the same market.
  3. You can select the selling item or weapon to have its own label that will be displayed while selling (Item / Weapon Name).
  4. You can select the selling item or weapon to have a description.
  5. You can select a payment type for each item or weapon in the same market, the payment method will be displayed with an icon.
  6. You can select the given amount for each item in the same market (Ex, 3 water bottles = 1$). Unfortunately, weapons can be purchased only 1 by 1, we don’t allow having a givenAmount.
  7. You can select the price of an item or a weapon.
  • Create multiple market zone locations and select:
  1. Market Type (Directly from your custom Markets).
  2. Ped Spawning in the market zone location that will be used for opening the market (QTarget & QB-TARGET supported but there is also an option to not use any of them).
  3. Blip in the market zone location that will be used for opening the market (Allowing any customization).

The market zone locations are fully customizable with many options and provide you everything you want in order to use the markets menu.

  • Add custom currencies to the market:

In case you have a custom currency (not item), but similar to cash, bank or black_money, you are allowed to edit tp-server_functions.lua and add the custom currency you want to include in the shops.

For displaying this custom currency in the shop, you have to manually add it in script.js in the line 163+.

  • Add images in the market:

Read the README.txt file that will be given upon purchase in order to setup images that will be directly loaded from your inventory script.


- If the script doesn’t work properly or you don’t know how to set it up properly, the team will happily assist you.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements ESX / QBCore
Support Yes

Click the following for purchasing it from tebex: Tebex

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Way to go! Love the style!

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Thank you very much!!


CSS has been modified and now TP Market supports all the screen resolutions.

Added Locales (JS) & Config (JS) which you can select or create your own locale. This system is more efficient than the one it used to have.

Removed FiveM Escrow System.


Blips are now available, they used to not be created by mistake.

Added OX Target Support

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