[PAID] [ESX/QBCORE] Nass Dealerships | All new qtarget dealership script


Made this as a replacement for my old dealership script, it was glitchy, had issues with vehicle spawning, and was very easily exploitable. I made my own to fix all of these issues and make it easy to have multiple dealerships. So here it is, nass dealerships.


  • Vehicles are synced between all players
  • Anti-Executer event protection.
  • Menu dealers for things like Aircraft and Boats
  • Vehicle Stock system
  • Multiple Dealerships support
  • Lock specific categories to specific dealers and specific car

Future Plans:

  • Car Dealer job to allow players to sell to other players
  • Add used car dealership to allow players to leave their cars for sale
  • Any suggestions from the community


  • ESX or QBCore
  • oxmysql (Mysql-Async isn’t supported)
  • qtarget (ox and qb target work aswell)
  • ox_Lib


Purchase Link:

Other Releases

AI Mechanic
Server Store
Info HUD
Dragstrips V2
Launch Control
Music Player
Boss Menu

Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1300
Requirements Oxmysql Ox_lib
Support Yes

This is insane

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Quality script for reasonable price.

I will be personally be using this in my server.

bought this script because its what ive been looking for but i would use it after u release this

Future Plans:

Car Dealer job to allow players to sell to other players
Add used car dealership to allow players to leave their cars for sale

nice script


nice work!

New Update!!!

The latest version now supports QB Core and also works with ox and qb target. This does however require you to use Ox_lib which can be downloaded and installed here GitHub - overextended/ox_lib: Modules to utilise in other resources via imports and exports.

A new updated video will come after the used car update.

Neat interface. Highly interactive, the best script for role-playing servers :partying_face:

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can it use in under a job as like cardealer ?