[PAID][ESX][QBCORE] DrugDealer

Back with another release! This was a script we had laying around but never really finished, or thought it was ready for release,


Our DrugDealer script allows you to sell directly to NPC’s to start simply open your F1 menu navigate to Drug Dealing under the citizen tab and toggle your dealing status on or use the commands if you don’t want to use the menu then simply approach an NPC and using your third eye you can attempt a deal but be careful not everyone wants to buy and some may even call you into authorities! Also as you gain reputation by selling so the more you sell the higher rank you earn and the chances of you getting reported go down and your profits go up!

Server owners don’t worry we’ve kept you in mind as well if you want to keep your drug activities contained you can turn on Selling Zones and only allow selling in areas of your choice! In fact, we’ve made zones completely customizable you can pick what drugs can be sold where, the chance of being reported per zone, pretty much everything!


  • Ability to use commands or F1 menu, or your own menu of choice
  • Ability to Blacklist NPC Models (Cops, EMS, ETC)
  • Selling Reputation System
  • Selling Zones
  • Animations
  • Customizable Zones
  • Rank system Based on Reputation
  • NPC Selling
  • NPC Call in Reporting


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 687
Requirements qb-target
Support Yes


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 685
Requirements qtarget
Optional ox_inventory
Support Yes


ESX: https://www.sloppydesigns.com/package/5152931
QBCore: https://www.sloppydesigns.com/package/5151020


good work bro

Script is sick, very well done and optimized as usual :heart_eyes:

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is client open so we can change target system ?

It’s not escrowed you can change whatever you like, if you need help with anything let me know, we are here to help.

Hey there. I just bought the ‘Traders’ script. I click the download asset button but it still hasn’t appeared. I clicked your discord, it also didn’t work, said “no channels”. Could I please get some help?

All sorted in DM’s :slight_smile: Thank you for the support really appreciate it!