[PAID][ESX/QB] vms_cityhall | All in One - Job Center, Billings, Taxes, Insurances, Clerk Job

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.3

[+] Compatibility with vms_bossmenu in SV.addSocietyMoney, SV.removeSocietyMoney, SV.getBusinessTaxAccount, SV.removeBusinessTaxAccount, SV.sendBusinessMessage
[+] Added a new export giveBill: this allows you to add tickets/invoices via server-side to a player, e.g. for speed cameras.
[+] Added useOnTarget option to Config.InfoVIN and Config.CheckVIN - this allows you to interact with a vehicle using a target
[+] Added Config.SendPhoneMessageAboutResume option means that after accepting/rejecting an application you can send an email to the player’s phone informing them of the status of their resume, support for qb-phone, qs-smartphone-pro, yseries, lb-phone, okokPhone
[+] Added SV.getPlayerJobLabel function to config.server.lua
[+] Added Config.UsePaychecks: if you don’t want to use paychecks, you can opt out by disabling this option in the configuration
[+] Added Penalty Point, Penalty Point List to Find Citizens by SSN section of clerk menu
[+] Added a new item ‘signed_vehicle_sale_agreement’ and new options to Config.VehicleSaleAgreement - GiveSignedItemToSeller, GiveSignedItemToBuyer, SignedItemName, this now allows you to add an official completed sales document for the seller and the buyer
[+] Added Config.UseVehicleType, if you do not have a type column in your owned_vehicles/player_vehicles, you need to set this to false, the lack of a column caused a problem for qb-core/qbx-core users when trying to sell a vehicle
[+] Added Config.HealthInsurancerSociety & Config.HealthInsuranceMoneyToSocietyPercent it allows you to create health insurance company, which will receive the indicated percentage of the amount paid
[+] Added Config.VehiclesInsurancerSociety & Config.VehiclesInsurancesMoneyToSocietyPercent it allows you to create vehicle insurance company, which will receive the indicated percentage of the amount paid
[+] Added image parameter to Config.JobsList, this allows you to add an image to jobs as a link or by adding the file to ./html/images/
[/] Improved the width of the space between letters has been reduced on the banner in the tax menu and added a missing color for “Lack of income”
[/] Improved item compatibility with origen_inventory
[/] Improved rendering of VIN positions in cars and motorcycles
[/] Fixed export isLicenseSuspended
[/] Fixed a bug causing a sale agreement item to be removed from the seller’s inventory when the buyer did not have enough money
[/] Fixed bug causing no select menu on agreement for German language - paragraph_1_text
[/] Fixed bug related to incorrect calculation of values from percentageForSociety and percentageForIssuer
[/] Fixed a bug related to an error caused by a webhook when ordering a document
[/] Fixed player money update for QB-Core in SV.addMoneyOffline function
[/] Fixed an error An error occurred while calling export 'updatePaychecks' in resource vms_cityhall, which could occur on qb-core/qbox-core
[/] Fixed warning Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')

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