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7$ cringe


For this 7$? Are you crazy?


:clown_face: Wtf pay money for just some trigger

Just use this free version: dpClothing+ (1.0.3) Clothing Variations and Toggles (Gloves, Vest, Top, Hair, Bag and more)

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pay for this ? seriously bro, its just a trigger


Yes, you are right. I have already requested the post to be deleted. Next week, I will make a few changes and then repost the same script for free. I hope that I can correct my mistake in this way.

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Oh that’s good, insight is the first path to improvement. I think that’s good, keep it up! You can just upload your project to Github and post it here for people to see :grinning:

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Sure, if you use illenium-appearance, it is already integrated…

You’re exactly the reason why there’s a lot less foss fivem projects… Hope this gets deleted before Linden sees this

I have already ordered it to be deleted because it was my mistake as I mentioned in a comment above. I will publish it for free this week after few changes

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