[PAID][ESX/QB/QBOX] UWU Cat Cafe Job - Advanced FiveM Job Script

Tebex - (19.99€ + vat)



  • 70 unique items.
  • Custom sound effects while cooking and paying.
  • Custom UI for cash register and food menu.
  • Mystery box:
    -Open an exciting mystery box and get 1 of 9 toy figures which you can hold or throw at other players!
  • Toy Figures:
    -Hold or throw toy figures at other players.
  • Npc employee.:
    -Npc from which players can purchase food when all burger shot employees are off-duty.
    -Stock system, add items for npc employee to sell.
  • Delivery system:
    -100x unique locations.
    -If player reconnects to the server or his game crashes and he connects back while doing a delivery, the delivery will load back to him.
    -Players will have different delivery experiences based on their delivery location.
    -Random item and quantity player needs to deliver to receive his reward.
    -3 delivery zones (dangerous - player can get attacked, luxury - player will get a tip, normal).
    -50% of player reward goes to society and 50% goes to the player.
    -Delivery cooldown (changeable in script config).
  • Advanced cooking:
    -Immersive animations with custom objects.
    -Mixer, cutting table, oven, grill, packing table, coffee machine.
  • Custom boss menu:
    -Hire, fire, promote or demote employees.
    -Add players to job which are near you.
  • Missions:
    -Clean tables with a sponge.
    -Sweep the floor with a broom.
    -Dirty positions are randomly picked by the script.
    -Money reward (amount can be changed or disabled in script config).
  • Custom locker room:
    -Grade system (whitelist specific clothing only for a specific job grade).
    -Cool animation.
  • Garage system:
    -Grade system (whitelist specific vehicle only for a specific job grade).
    -Park vehicles only from a certain distance from garage (can be disabled or changed in script config).
  • Advanced cash registers:
    -Employees are able to set a amount to pay.
  • Discord logs.
    -Shop, delivery, cash register, crafting, missions, police alert.
  • Police alerts
  • Custom usable items function.
    -Using time and amount of hunger/thirst to add can be set in script config.
  • Storage:
    -Company and personal.
  • Supply shop:
    -Purchase items to cook with.
  • Usable toilet and sinks:
    -Players need to take their pants off to pee or poop.
  • Usable tables and chairs.
  • Food menu list.
  • Cats:
    -Pet a cats to make your stress lower.
  • Custom props.
  • Great configuration through script config.
  • Extensive documentation.
  • Optimization.
  • Easy setup.
  • Multiple language support [en, de, es, cs].
  • Support.
  • And more!

Some additional informations

  • Ultimate FiveM UWU Cat Cafe Job Script—a must-have addition for your FiveM server, whether you’re running a Gabz UWU Cat Cafe or looking for an immersive FiveM job script experience. This FiveM UWU Cat Cafe job script brings your server to life with a fully interactive and engaging roleplay environment, keeping players engaged for longer as they manage and enjoy the cozy atmosphere of a bustling cat cafe.


  • Supported maps: gabz.
  • Frameworks: ESX, QB, QBOX.
  • Inventories: esx_inventory, ox_inventory, qb-inventory, qs-inventory, ps-inventory, codem-inventory, core_inventory, origen_inventory, tgiann-inventory.
  • Skin Systems: fivem_appearance, illenium_appearance, ox_appearance, qb_clothing, esx_skin, rcore_clothing, bl_appearance, tgiann-clothing.
  • Menus: esx, ox, qb.
  • Dialog Menus : esx_menu_default, ox_lib, qb-input.
  • Target Systems : qtarget, qb-target, ox_target, 3D Text, showHelpNotify(qb, esx, ox).
    (All the framework, inventory, target, menu functions and map locations are open-source, allowing for customization. Also, we can assist you with making changes if needed)

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Code is accessible No (framework functions, inventories, menus, map locations, targets, notifications and progressbars are accessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +5000
Requirements In post
Support Yes

Amazing script

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Very complete a lot of stuff. Keep up the good work!

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Some of the best creators I’ve had the pleasure of doing business with


Looks pretty


It’s a meow script :heart_eyes_cat:


Super cute - I like the options to do cleaning! Give something to do when it’s slow.


Pretty cool


UWU love the job…hate the cats lol

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Hello, you can disable the cats in config.lua.

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Very Script

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Yoga and usable WC it’s amazing

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Awesome script, One more to buy

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Meow kitty

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Cool nice

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Very nice script! Good work

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Amazing script🔥

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Everything is complete, incredible work ! :heart:

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cool script!

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