[PAID] [ESX, QB] GDX RP CHAT - Advanced RP chat for Roleplay servers [RELEASE]

:small_orange_diamond: Basic commands (me, do, try, pd, ems, …)
:small_orange_diamond: Here command - A message that will be pinned where the player is currently standing
:small_orange_diamond: State command - A message that will be shown to all and will represent the player’s current feelings and states
:small_orange_diamond: Custom commands - you can specify in the config
:small_orange_diamond: Possibility to adjust colours
:small_orange_diamond: Discord logs
:small_orange_diamond: Support for gdx_font, gdx_notifyType, t-notify
:small_orange_diamond: Optimalized
:small_orange_diamond: And much more



Config = {}

-- Discord Logs
Config.EnableDiscordLogs = true
Config.Webhook = "webhook_here"
Config.IconURL = "icon_url_link_here"
Config.ServerName = "server_name"
Config.WebhookColor = "16741888"

-- Settings
Config.ResourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
Config.ResourcePrefix = "gdx_rpchat" -- resource prefix
Config.Framework = "esx" -- set your framework | esx, qb
Config.GetSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject" -- esx getSharedObject
Config.Debug = false -- enable or disable debug mode
Config.EnableRealName = false -- ESX: if you have ESX Identity and use a real name enable this, QB: enable this to use a real name
Config.OnlyFirstname = false -- enable show only first name
Config.AdvertPrice = 1000 -- set price for advert
Config.docNumber = 10 -- set doc repeat number
Config.UseTNotify = false -- if you use my edited t-notify, enable this
Config.NotificationType = "esx" -- set your notification | esx, t-notify, okok, gdx
Config.UseCustomFont = false -- enable or disable custom font
Config.FontName = "Fire Sans" -- if enabled custom font set font name
Config.FontId = 4 -- if enabled custom font, set font id
Config.Locale = "en" -- set your locale | en, cs, other

-- Chats commands RPCHAT
Config.MeCMD = { -- ME
    cmd = "me",
    color = { r = 102, g = 163, b = 255, a = 215}
Config.DoCMD = { -- DO
    cmd = "do",
    color = { r = 230, g = 115, b = 0, a = 215}
Config.DocCMD = { -- DOC
    cmd = "doc",
    color = { r = 191, g = 64, b = 191, a = 215}
Config.TryCMD = { -- TRY
    cmd = "try",
    color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 215}
Config.OznCMD = { -- Announcement
    cmd = "server",
    title = "ADMIN TEAM"
Config.ThiefCMD = { -- Thief
    cmd = "thief",
    title = "THIEFS"
Config.PoliceCMD = { -- Police
    cmd = "police",
    title = "LSPD"
Config.SheriffCMD = { -- Sheriff
    cmd = "sheriff",
    title = "Sheriff"
Config.GovernmentCMD = { -- Government
    cmd = "state",
    title = "Government"
Config.AmbulanceCMD = { -- Ambulance
    cmd = "ems",
    title = "Ambulace"
Config.AdvertCMD = { -- Advert
    cmd = "advert",
    title = "Advert"

-- Chats commands Others
Config.CubeCMD = "cube" -- cube command
Config.CoinCMD = "coin" -- coin command
Config.HereCMD = { -- here command
    cmd = "here",
    delcmd = "delhere",
    color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
Config.StateCMD = { -- state command
    cmd = "state",
    delcmd = "delstate",
    color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}

-- Chats jobs permissions
Config.PoliceJob = "police" -- police job name
Config.SheriffJob = "sheriff" -- sheriff job name
Config.GovernmentJob = "government" -- government job name
Config.AmbulanceJob = "ambulance" -- ambulance job name

-- Chats colors
Config.Looc = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(153, 153, 153)40%, rgb(115, 115, 115) 80%)",
    box = "64, 64, 64, 1.0"
Config.Me = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(77, 148, 255)40%, rgb(51, 133, 255) 80%)",
    box = "0, 71, 179, 1.0"
Config.Do = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(255, 153, 51)40%, rgb(230, 115, 0) 80%)",
    box = "153, 77, 0, 1.0"
Config.Doc = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(255, 153, 51)40%, rgb(230, 115, 0) 80%)",
    box = "153, 77, 0, 1.0"
Config.Try = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(0, 204, 0)40%, rgb(0, 153, 0) 80%)",
    box = "0, 102, 0, 1.0"
Config.Ozn = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(255, 26, 26)40%, rgb(204, 0, 0) 80%)",
    box = "153, 0, 0, 1.0"
Config.Thief = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(102, 102, 102)40%, rgb(64, 64, 64) 80%)",
    box = "51, 51, 51, 1.0"
Config.Police = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(0, 115, 230)40%, rgb(0, 77, 153) 80%)",
    box = "0, 51, 102, 1.0"
Config.Sheriff = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(153, 153, 0)40%, rgb(128, 128, 0) 80%)",
    box = "77, 77, 0, 1.0"
Config.Government = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(92, 138, 138)40%, rgb(61, 92, 92) 80%)",
    box = "51, 77, 77, 1.0"
Config.Ambulance = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(230, 0, 76)40%, rgb(153, 0, 51) 80%)",
    box = "128, 0, 42, 1.0"
Config.Error = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(255, 26, 26)40%, rgb(204, 0, 0) 80%)",
    box = "102, 0, 0, 1.0"
Config.Advert = {
    background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(209, 26, 255)40%, rgb(143, 0, 179) 80%)",
    box = "96, 0, 128, 1.0"

-- Custom chat & job chat
Config.JobsChat = {
    [1] = {
        enabled = false,
        cmd = "hayesauto",
        help = {
            main = "hayes auto chat",
            parameters = {
                { name = "text", help = "write a message to hayes auto chat" }
        job = "hayesauto",
        job_label = "Hayes Auto",
        name = "Hayes Auto",
        background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(209, 26, 255)40%, rgb(143, 0, 179) 80%)",
        box = "131, 145, 146, 1.0"
    [2] = {
        enabled = true,
        cmd = "kokot",
        help = { 
            main = "kokot chat",
            parameters = {
                { name = "text", help = "write a message to kokot chat" }
        job = "",
        job_label = "",
        name = "Kokot",
        background = "linear-gradient(50deg, rgb(209, 26, 255)40%, rgb(143, 0, 179) 80%)",
        box = "131, 145, 146, 1.0"

-- Webhook job
Config.WebhookText = {
    ['server'] = 'ADMIN TEAM',
    ['advert'] = 'Advert',
    ['police'] = 'LSPD',
    ['sheriff'] = 'SHERIFF',
    ['government'] = 'Government',
    ['ambulance'] = 'EMS',
    ['ooc'] = 'OOC',
    ['me'] = 'ME',
    ['do'] = 'DO',
    ['try'] = 'TRY',
    ['thief'] = 'THIEFS',

Download & Payment

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1800+
Requirements ESX/QB
Support Yes

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Stačí na netu si najít chat resource, který bude bez modrého pozadí jinak se takové věci řeší na discordu :slight_smile: