[PAID] [ESX&QB] [FIVEM] Backpack Ultimate FiveM Scripts

Config = {
    InventorySystem = 'ox', -- 'ox' for Ox Inventory, 'qs' for QS Inventory
    Framework = 'autodetect', -- 'esx', 'oldesx', 'qb', 'oldqb' or 'autodetect'
    AppearanceSystem = 'esx_skin', -- 'esx_skin' or 'illenium'

    BackpackStorage = {
        small = {
            slots = 20,
            weight = 50000,
            model = 'p_ld_heist_bag_s'
        medium = {
            slots = 30,
            weight = 100000,
            model = 'p_ld_heist_bag_01'
        large = {
            slots = 50,
            weight = 150000,
            model = 'p_ld_heist_bag_s_pro2_s'

    OneBagInInventory = true,
    ProgressBarDuration = 2, -- Duration of the progress bar in seconds
    EnableRemoveBackpackCommand = true, -- Enable or disable the /removebackpack command
    EnableRemoveBackpackKey = true, -- Enable or disable the keybinding for removing/equipping the backpack
    RemoveBackpackKey = 29, -- 'B' key

    Strings = { -- Notification strings
        action_incomplete = 'Action incomplete',
        one_backpack_only = 'You can only have one backpack!',
        backpack_in_backpack = 'You cannot place a backpack inside another backpack',
        bag_equipped = 'Backpack equipped',
        bag_removed = 'Backpack removed',
        progress_equip = 'Equipping backpack...',
        progress_remove = 'Removing backpack...'

    Debug = false -- Enable or disable debugging

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Features of the UltimateFiveMScripts Backpack Script

Dynamic Backpack Sizes

  • Three Sizes: Small, Medium, and Large.
  • Custom Capacities: Each backpack type offers different capacities for slots and weight.
  • Visual Representation: Backpacks are displayed on the character model when equipped.

2. Efficient Backpack Management

  • Auto Equip/Remove: Backpacks are automatically equipped or removed based on inventory contents.
  • Persistent Status: Backpack status is saved across server restarts.
  • Inventory System Integration: Seamlessly manage items within the backpack using either Ox Inventory or QS Inventory.

3. User-Friendly Interactions

  • Custom Menu: Easily open backpacks through a custom menu.
  • Direct Access: Access backpack inventory directly via the user interface.
  • No Nested Backpacks: Prevents placing one backpack inside another backpack, ensuring secure item management.

4. Enhanced Security

  • Single Backpack Rule: Restricts players to one backpack per inventory to prevent exploits.
  • No Nested Backpacks: Ensures that backpacks cannot be placed inside other backpacks, maintaining inventory integrity.

5. Customizable Notifications

  • Configurable Messages: Customize notifications for various actions (e.g., “Action incomplete”, “You can only have one backpack!”, “Cannot place a backpack inside another”).

6. Reliable Database Integration

  • Persistent Storage: Backpack status is saved in the database for consistency.
  • OxMySQL Support: Fully supports OxMySQL for robust database management.

7. Inventory System Flexibility

  • Supports Multiple Systems: Fully compatible with both Ox Inventory and QS Inventory.
  • Easy Configuration: Switch between Ox Inventory and QS Inventory with a simple configuration setting in config.lua.


Added: Support for esx_skin and illenium appearance systems.
Added: Configuration options for progress bar duration.
Added: Ability to enable or disable debugging in the configuration.
Added: Command /removebackpack to remove the backpack.
Added: Ability to equip and remove the backpack using the B key.
Improved: Automatic detection of the framework (esx, oldesx, qb, oldqb, or autodetect).
Improved: Additional debugging information to identify issues with model application.
Fixed: Issue where the backpack was not displayed correctly.
Fixed: Errors with skinchanger integration.


Code is accessible YES
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements esx or qb oxmysql, ox lib, ox_Inventory or qs-inventory esx_skins or illenium-appearance
Support Yes
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Been keeping an eye out for backpack releases and every one I have come across hasn’t worked out except one which is great but you can put backpacks inside of backpacks haha others just have poor support and never worked out. Could yours be made to be compatible with qs inventory? and what is the freedom to make more bags like? Glad to see you prevented backpacks inside of backpacks too.

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I’ll be working on it over the next few days to make it compatible with QS inventory


That would be great man I would definitely try it when its good to go with the inventory.

QS inventory is now included


nice man

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