Config = {
InventorySystem = 'ox', -- 'ox' for Ox Inventory, 'qs' for QS Inventory
Framework = 'autodetect', -- 'esx', 'oldesx', 'qb', 'oldqb' or 'autodetect'
AppearanceSystem = 'esx_skin', -- 'esx_skin' or 'illenium'
BackpackStorage = {
small = {
slots = 20,
weight = 50000,
model = 'p_ld_heist_bag_s'
medium = {
slots = 30,
weight = 100000,
model = 'p_ld_heist_bag_01'
large = {
slots = 50,
weight = 150000,
model = 'p_ld_heist_bag_s_pro2_s'
OneBagInInventory = true,
ProgressBarDuration = 2, -- Duration of the progress bar in seconds
EnableRemoveBackpackCommand = true, -- Enable or disable the /removebackpack command
EnableRemoveBackpackKey = true, -- Enable or disable the keybinding for removing/equipping the backpack
RemoveBackpackKey = 29, -- 'B' key
Strings = { -- Notification strings
action_incomplete = 'Action incomplete',
one_backpack_only = 'You can only have one backpack!',
backpack_in_backpack = 'You cannot place a backpack inside another backpack',
bag_equipped = 'Backpack equipped',
bag_removed = 'Backpack removed',
progress_equip = 'Equipping backpack...',
progress_remove = 'Removing backpack...'
Debug = false -- Enable or disable debugging
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Features of the UltimateFiveMScripts Backpack Script
Dynamic Backpack Sizes
- Three Sizes: Small, Medium, and Large.
- Custom Capacities: Each backpack type offers different capacities for slots and weight.
- Visual Representation: Backpacks are displayed on the character model when equipped.
2. Efficient Backpack Management
- Auto Equip/Remove: Backpacks are automatically equipped or removed based on inventory contents.
- Persistent Status: Backpack status is saved across server restarts.
- Inventory System Integration: Seamlessly manage items within the backpack using either Ox Inventory or QS Inventory.
3. User-Friendly Interactions
- Custom Menu: Easily open backpacks through a custom menu.
- Direct Access: Access backpack inventory directly via the user interface.
- No Nested Backpacks: Prevents placing one backpack inside another backpack, ensuring secure item management.
4. Enhanced Security
- Single Backpack Rule: Restricts players to one backpack per inventory to prevent exploits.
- No Nested Backpacks: Ensures that backpacks cannot be placed inside other backpacks, maintaining inventory integrity.
5. Customizable Notifications
- Configurable Messages: Customize notifications for various actions (e.g., “Action incomplete”, “You can only have one backpack!”, “Cannot place a backpack inside another”).
6. Reliable Database Integration
- Persistent Storage: Backpack status is saved in the database for consistency.
- OxMySQL Support: Fully supports OxMySQL for robust database management.
7. Inventory System Flexibility
- Supports Multiple Systems: Fully compatible with both Ox Inventory and QS Inventory.
- Easy Configuration: Switch between Ox Inventory and QS Inventory with a simple configuration setting in
Added: Support for esx_skin and illenium appearance systems.
Added: Configuration options for progress bar duration.
Added: Ability to enable or disable debugging in the configuration.
Added: Command /removebackpack to remove the backpack.
Added: Ability to equip and remove the backpack using the B key.
Improved: Automatic detection of the framework (esx, oldesx, qb, oldqb, or autodetect).
Improved: Additional debugging information to identify issues with model application.
Fixed: Issue where the backpack was not displayed correctly.
Fixed: Errors with skinchanger integration.
A | B |
Code is accessible | YES |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1000 |
Requirements | esx or qb oxmysql, ox lib, ox_Inventory or qs-inventory esx_skins or illenium-appearance |
Support | Yes |