[PAID] [ESX/QB-CORE] Envi-Prescriptions - A medication prescriptions system utilizing inventory metadata!


Envi-Prescriptions is a medication prescription system designed to enhance your ambulance job by offering a new type of treatment!

Create as many prescription types as you want!
Prescriptions and medication both contain unique metadata and can only be written by doctors, and collected by the correct patient. (See the full description on tebex!)
Compatible with ox_target, qtarget and qb-target!

Download: https://envi-scripts.tebex.io/package/5604452
Free Releases: Envi-Scripts (Envi-Scripts) · GitHub

Code is accessible No (some functions + bridge)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements es_extended or qb-core, ox_inventory or qb-inventory, ox_lib, ox/qb/qtarget
Support Yes

mf inventory support would be nice :wink:

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may look into it, any docs?

hmmmm i see no mention of metadata on there

there is metadata as other scripts use it, the creator who is tebit now will be u for helping integrate it im sure would be great

$15 usd is crazy ontop of the fee ill be charged for an international purchase. it should be like $10 usd


Download now at https://envi-scripts.tebex.io

In celebration of our Partnership with Wasabi, we’re running a 20% off coupon on the store!

Use code: WASABI at checkout! :tada:


Is target system required or does it support drawtext3d?

target is required in the current version

If you can change it I would definitely buy it

is there an option for players to pay for the medicine they are picking up?

not currently, i can add it in the upcoming v2 tho

oh yes please. any ETA on v2?

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90% complete, maybe this week

excited ok, keep me posted :smiley: Ill purchase instantly

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This was released into beta! :slight_smile:

33.10 USD ??
Increased double the value

No quasar inventory support ?