[PAID] [ESX&QB] Armour Ultimate FiveM Scripts

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Armor Script for ESX & QBCore

Enhance the experience on your GTA V RP server with our comprehensive Armor Script, supporting both ESX and QBCore! Here are the features this script offers:

Main Features:

  • Support for ESX and QBCore: Compatible with the most popular frameworks, easily configurable in the settings file.
  • Integration with ox_inventory and qb_inventory: Choose your preferred inventory system for maximum flexibility and compatibility.
  • Various Armor Types: Four types of armor - Light, Medium, Heavy, and Military - each offering different protection levels (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%).
  • Adjustable Armor Values: Customize the protection values for each armor type individually in the configuration file.
  • Automatic Healing: Players receive slow healing while wearing armor. The healing rate and interval are configurable.
  • Discord Logging: Integrate a comprehensive logging system that reports all important events (e.g., armor usage, armor loss on death) to a Discord webhook. Player names and timestamps are logged for complete monitoring.
  • Custom Colors: All armor types have a uniform color scheme for a consistent in-game appearance.

Detailed Features:

  • Easy-to-configure Armor Values: Set the exact percentages for each armor type in config.lua.
  • Effective Animations: Realistic animations when equipping armor for an immersive player experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Supports the most popular inventory systems to enable simple and smooth integration into your existing server.
  • Robust Logging: Detailed logs of every action provided to Discord for monitoring player activities and ensuring additional security.

Why Choose Our Armor Script?

  • Compatibility: Whether you use ESX or QBCore, our script adapts to your needs.
  • Flexibility: Choose between ox_inventory and qb_inventory and customize armor values as you wish.
  • Security: Stay informed of important events on your server with Discord logging.
  • Ease of Use: The configuration is simple and quick, giving you more time to enjoy your game.

Get the ultimate Armor Script now and offer your players an enhanced and safer gaming experience!


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 250
Requirements esx or qb ox_Inventory or qb-inventory
Support Yes


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you can do all of this through the server core & inventory by going though a max of 3 to 4 files

Works great, tip top

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Does this save armor to the db players meta data? IE if they log out they come back with armor still at the percent they left with?

And can you disable the clothing drawable.

Hello, give me 2 hours then I’ll do an update and it’ll work

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