[PAID] [ESX/QB] Advanced Modern Design Death Screen with configurable buttons

Death Screen and Sleek Series

The design is very important for your players, because if you have every script with different designs… it will give a less professional feeling, even if your server is great.

That’s why at CodeForge we strive to forge great AESTHETIC PACKS for you to have a great server.


:shield: Framework Compatibility: Supports ESX and QB frameworks.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Configurable Timer: Adjustable time settings for bleeding out and revive timers.

:radio_button: Extra Button: An additional customizable button for extra functionalities.

:package: Item Loss Options: Configure whether players lose items upon bleeding out or reviving.

:moneybag: Early Respawn Costs: Set the cost and payment method for early respawn.

:round_pushpin: Respawn Coordinates: Define specific coordinates for player respawn.

:wrench: Customizable UI Buttons: Buttons for suicide, calling an ambulance, and extra actions.

:memo: Death Messages: Customizable messages displayed on the death screen.

:globe_with_meridians: UI Translations: Easily translate UI text and notifications.

:art: Main UI Color: Change the main color of the UI to match your server’s theme.

Why Choose Our Death Script?

  • Framework Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with both ESX and QB frameworks.
  • Highly Configurable: Adjust timers, buttons, and messages to fit your server’s needs.
  • User Engagement: Inform and interact with players even during respawn phases.
  • Consistent Aesthetic: Maintain a cohesive and attractive look for your server.
  • Easy to Use: Simple configuration for extensive customization.
  • Regular Updates: Benefit from continuous improvements and new features.

:clapper: Preview: https://youtu.be/KIGJ2xprhKA

:link: Purchase it on our Tebex store: https://codeforge.tebex.io/

Other SCRIPTS :point_down:

Code is accessible No (Config, openfunctions.lua and UI yes)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) + 400
Requirements No
Support Yes (24/7)

Nice JOB! as always :smiley: