[ESX] Personal Storage with item

Showcase video: hujo_storage

This is a new version of our previous release, hujo_storage, v1.6. This new version of the script fixes a couple of bugs and also includes a new passcode feature, which isn’t shown on the video above:


NO OBFUSCATION OR IP-LOCK, The script is entirely accessible

Tebex link: https://hujo.tebex.io/package/4527205
Only a minimum amount of 10€ + taxes!


  • Create your own personal storage anywhere on the map with a usable ‘storage’ item
  • Deposit and withdraw items, dirty money and weapons with ammunition from the storage
  • Rob another player’s storage if you find one with a ‘lockpick’ item
  • Give and remove permissions to other players to manage your storage
  • Simple database table to manage and see every storage on the server
  • Open the storage with a self-assigned passcode

Commands / How-To

  1. /givepermissions (server-id) - Give a player permissions to manage your storage (Deposit and withdraw)
  2. /removepermissions (server-id) - Remove a player’s permissions to manage your storage
  3. /removeallpermissions - Remove all permissions from your storage

IF you are using the ESX version with the weight system for items, replace server.lua line 341 with:
if not xPlayer.canCarryItem(item, count) then

  • Note that all of the three commands are owner-only, meaning that you must have placed the specified storage


  • es_extended, mythic_notify

Very cool! Thank you man

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I bought it and it’s ok for the price, thers a lot o problems to fix and it’s very hard to read with your language to understand, will be very appreciate if in your script you can rename your function in english, (hope you do it because i see other your script very cool) thank you man <3

can you say what problems so we can fix them.

Thanks for the feedback. Like user @jokkepokke said, it would be helpful for us to know exactly which problems there are to fix. We didn’t think it would make that much of a difference if some of the event triggers aren’t English, but we may change them sometime in the near future. Everything in the user interface and what you see ingame are fully translated; the script wasn’t really made to be developed further.

Thank you for your help! At moment the problems are:
I can’t manage money (not black, i mean normal money)
When i put on floor a storage it’s not synced, other player can’t see it
No object spawned (but this is not a problem)
Permission are a littel bit strange, you can do it also far away from the player and sometime if you forgot to insert ID will give you an error in chat (easy to fix)

At all as i said it’s not bad script, i was looking to fix it alone, but really appreciate your help, thanks :slight_smile:

The permission command doesn’t include a distance check, but you can easily add it yourself if you wish. It’s meant to be able to use it from anywhere on the map.

Black money is supposed to be the only type of money in the storage, we don’t currently have storage for normal money.

We never mentioned an object spawning, that is to be left for a future update.

The only thing I’m unsure about is other players not being able to see the storage, can you possibly send a picture of an error related to that? We have tested it on ESX V1 and 1.2 with limit and weight systems and both work absolutely fine where it syncs and everyone can see the placed storage.

Can i have this new version if i have bought the old version?

I bought the old before… Can you give me a discount to have it again? Tnx