Instead of creating separate scripts, we combined the priestjob script with the marriage script. Those who purchase the marriage script will be able to use it as if it has been updated, 3 scripts in one. engaged - marriage - priest job.
- Two types of priest job can handle marriage affairs. First, after couples get engaged, they go to the NPC and send a marriage request.The money that players pay to apply is paid to the society of that job if you activate it in the config. For esx, esx-society, for qbcore, qb-management, that is, qb-bank.
- Those in the priest job can see incoming marriage requests through the priest panel. The priest approves the citizens who are of age and have the requirements for marriage through the panel here.
- If those sending the request are underage or do not meet any other requirements, the priest rejects the request.
- Priests gain xp from rejecting and accepting actions. You can see how many requests there are and how many people are married in total from the menu on the Priest panel.
- The couple whose request is rejected can send the request again after completing the necessary steps.
- In requests from the Priest panel, you will see all the information of male and female individuals. There are separate designs for men and women. This design is applied from the profile picture to everything else.
- You can search for incoming requests via the priest panel from the search field.
- If the age of those sending a marriage request is under 18 years old, it is shown in red, if it is over 18 years old, it is shown in green.
- Priests can take out the vehicle of their level from the garage and use it according to their priest level. Everything can be adjusted through the config, of course. The script has its own ui-draw, there is no need for an additional ui-draw script.
- As a second option, priests can marry couples themselves. Players in the priest job can marry couples directly by using the marriage command.Priests gain xp from this action.
- Players can role-play and arrange a marriage with a priest-like player by talking.
- The priest will also gain xp from the marriages he makes with the marriage command.
- Additionally, as two options, priests can directly divorce couples themselves or couples can divorce themselves using NPCs.Priests gain xp from this action.Players can go and talk to the priest and provide appropriate evidence for divorce, depending on the role, or they can do this from the NPC. You can set it according to your wishes via config.
- **You can see all the married people in the city through the married people list. There is a special information area for every married person. **
- In the upper part, the total number of married people in the city, the total number of single people, and their ratio to each other. You can see the rates of marriage duration as day, month, year and the order of the married people list.
- You can sort by the longest married to the shortest married and vice versa. By searching among married people, you can see the badges received by the longest married person in your own marriage or someone elseβs marriage.
- This page has separate designs for women and men. You will see the date the couple got married and their total wedding date as day, month and year. You can see past and future anniversaries and the time left until the next anniversary.
- You can also see who has received the badge, which will be given to couples who have been married for more than 1 month, or how long it takes to receive it. Those who stay married for more than 1 month will receive rewards such as cash prizes and badges.
- All profile pictures on the marriage page and priest page, profile pictures of the married people and the priest, come with avatar metadata and default option for qbcore. It comes with dc, steam, default option in ESX.
- You can add wedding coordinates to any location you want, including garages.