[PAID | ESX] OG_ELS | Ultra optimized Lighting System [Updated]


Oggetto Scripts presents OG_ELS, a Fivem Emergency Lighting System, fully optimized, with lots of configurations and a modern Open Source UI, fully customizable!

Features :sparkles:

LOW RESMON :rocket:: Unbelievable optimization that runs like a dream, taking just 0.01ms with the lights ON!
CUSTOMIZABLE :keyboard:: Set your own KEYBINDS to match your needs
SOUNDS :loud_sound:: Play your own server-side sirens sound with WMServerSirens support
MULTIPLE LIGHTS :bulb:: Shine brighter with primary, secondary and traffic lights, something our competitors can’t match!
ENVIRONMENTAL LIGHT :sun_behind_rain_cloud:: Illuminate your surroundings with advanced environmental lighting support! :star2:
ELS STATUS UI :desktop_computer:: Experience a cutting-edge, modern UI like never before as you monitor your Emergency Lighting System status!

Preview :tv:

Updates :arrows_counterclockwise:

  • You can now choose between Light:sunny: and Dark :new_moon: theme of UI
  • Possibility of customize every single vehicle with a different siren sound :rotating_light:
  • Added WMServerSirens asset in the pack

Interested in buying? :shopping_cart:

  • You can find the script here

Check out our other scripts :file_folder:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements Esx
Support Yes

Obtain the resource now

Get OG ELS on tebexhttps://oggetto.tebex.io/package/5978418
Get other Oggetto scriptshttps://oggetto.tebex.io/

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40 euros prevents me from buying this, I’m looking for a more optimized solution than luxart vehicle control, but 40 euros is unfeasible

put an escrowed version

What’s the resmon when there are multiple car nearby? I’m talking about 10+ cars with lights on

it could also speak resmon server side (svgui)

Any news about resmon with 10+ cars and serverside?

We are sorry about it, but we can’t reduce the price :frowning:
The resource has been fully rewrited and we achived the max optimisation possible with 0.0 resmon, it took month of work, and we tried to chose a price as low as possible.
Prices on tebex are slightly higher due to platform fees; you can join our Discord (link in my profile description) and open a ticket for lower prices :slight_smile:

The first one is the client side, the second is the server side resmon

The server side resmon increase only when the server has to manage the vehicles when the script starts, and to update the players with the current status of the vehicles when they enter, so it will be always 0.

I replied in the post above

my vehicles are NON-ELS, will your script work?

No, only ELS

How comes its esx only? Why cant we get it standalone?