The script is full target so no 3d text


  • Appointment System
    The player will have to go interact with a ped to schedule a appointment. It will automatically take the character name and the player will have to fill a form and choose with whom he wanna take an appointment.
    Once the scheduling completed, the other player (the one he choose to have an appointment with) will have to a specific area (we used a pc for our server) and will have to interact with the target it will bring up a menu showing all the appointments based on the grade/role you have inside the government. The player will have to click on the appointment and choose to either cancel or set a date.

  • Taxes System
    Just like the title say, add a tax system for your server. You will be able to manage predefined taxes and add more.

  • Companies Managment
    You will be able to manage both public & private companies. For the public part you will have access to their bank account (only visibility so you can’t steal), and their employees list. Example here.
    For the Private Companies part, every player will have to take an appointment with the Governor (or the one who is in charge of company in this case for us it’s the governor) and will have to manually create a company to be registered. Example of the form you need to fill. Once done creating the company you will be able to edit any informations later except when it was created. You are also able to delete the company.

  • Votes & Election System
    As a governor you will be able to make election for your government. You will have to set a name, a description and 3 dates. (Applications opening, Vote opening, and when it finish.) Once the election started it will be by default in “Wait” and once you’re ready just press “Launch the next step” to start the election.
    It will automatically spawn 3 peds at the court house (or whatever you want them to be), one will be there to add immersion (security guy), one is for applications, and the last one is for the vote ballot.
    You can also check around the city information about the current/past votes. You can also register your applications but you will need a valid ID (configurable in the config.lua) and see the candidates.
    The votes system will allow you to vote for any applications that have been made (if there is any if there is no applications it will be a blank vote) you will also need a valid ID to vote.

  • Referundum/Law Voting
    Same as the election system but instead of doing : Applications > Vote > Result
    It does : Vote > Result (Yes or No type of question)
    You will also need a valid piece of ID to be able to vote.

  • Government Job
    Including his own boss menu (available in public companies in Government), with his own armory & stash.

Available here on Tebex : 30€ + 6€(VAT)
Preview Video: Coming Soon (If you wanna make one and have a discount for the script hit me up!)




Everything is almost configurable through the config.lua.
Translation is done by a file in the locales folder.
The resource is protected with FiveM Escrow System only few files (config.lua/locales/import folder) are opened. If you need to get access to a part that is protected, please reach us directly through FiveM forums or open a ticket directly.
Make sure to have your server Artifacts Version above 4752 or higher, restart the server to gain access to the resource in-game.

Code is accessible No but have customization files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3000+
Requirements ESX
Support Yes (Discord or Forum)


In process of making it at the moment! Didn’t got a lot of time to record.

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Huge update coming soon probably not this week because we are really busy but the next one. (Especially optimisation wise)

is it possible to change all coords if you dont use gabz townhall

Yes of course :slight_smile:

Update soon

We will soon make finally the video and the official release of another script. So keep in touch!

the lie detector test determined that was a lie


We’re working on other project and didn’t have time to make a decent video for it. We did make one but to be fair I wasn’t happy with it and didn’t have time to make another one.

But if someone wanna shot us a video for the script we could make a deal with them as well!