[PAID] [ESX] Lrz_Fishing - Fishing everywhere

Hi guys
I decided to put my Fishing resource up for sale for the fivem community.
The code is obscured, but with a complete config. but comes with escrow


  • Min: 0.00
  • Max: 0.00

Script Info :

  • fishing everywhere
  • configurable fish
  • item configurable baits and rod
  • configurable difficulty
  • Configurable notifications

Video Preview: Youtube
Purchase Link: Tebex

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200
Requirements es_extended - ox_lib
Support Yes
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@wasabirobby Looks familiar ?

“My fishing resource”.

I created this resource on 08/22 for my rp server, inspired by the fishing system that nopixel has. If wasabi has any suspicions that there is some of his code in my resource, he can safely contact me and I will show him the source in call on ds

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It does look very similar :thinking:.

Although I think mine is better & free so that’s okay!

Oh, great luck with sales btw…

P.S. I’m not sure what it matters when date of resource is created. I’ve attached when I created mine as well since we are sharing though.

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Yours is better I don’t even need to buy this skid to see this :rofl:

VERY familiar,

The same person selling a prop pack that i would dare say is the same

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But before speaking, do you watch the previews or do you speak by looking at the title of the resource? The wasabi props are TOTALLY different from mine.

I can easily show the code to wasabi if he wants. I definitely don’t have to show it to you!

Seems to good to be true. You would only need to post a Snippet no ones asking for the full code, just show us some of it

People will contuine to call you out on things when theres no evidence in your favour

sure does @wasabirobby

Even looking at his tebex and the “Other Scripts” he has made seem a little SUS

New account?

New account ?? who

On the left the @wasabirobby config on the right mine

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I am not bothered nor care to look. If I was; I wouldn’t of released mine. Thank you for offer though.

Bruh hahaha SKID

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