[PAID][ESX] Loot Boxes Synced

  • Synced Loot Boxes and respawn times. ( If you looted it another player need to wait respawn)
  • You can create as many boxes as you want.

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1€ (Without TAX)
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8€ (Without TAX)
Tebex Link <— Click here to Buy

Config File:

Config = {}

Config.LootRespawn = 90 -- Loot Respawn time, Synced Loots (each box has a separate timer when you looted it will start)

Config.blips = false -- Use Blips true/false

Config.lootblip = 66

Config.Lootboxobject = "imp_prop_impexp_boxwood_01"

Config.Loots = {    --you can add as much as you want
				item = "bandage",
				item = "bread",
				item = "fish",
				item = "phone",
				item = "wood",

Config.Locales = {
bliptext = "Loot Box",
loottext = "Press ~g~E~s~ to Open the Box",

Config.LootCoord = { --you can add as much as you want
{coords = vector3(385.24,-1506.4,29.28)},
{coords = vector3(336.88,-1004.08,29.36)},
{coords = vector3(-10.36,-1093.4,26.68)},
{coords = vector3(-246.04,-1182.56,23.08)},
{coords = vector3(-281.76,-928.68,31.2)},
{coords = vector3(-748.12,-1414.68,5.0)},
{coords = vector3(1226.4,-3230.68,6.04)},
{coords = vector3(-1273.8,-3423.48,13.96)},
{coords = vector3(-1014.12,-2758.56,14.16)},
{coords = vector3(-405.12,-1908.24,29.96)},
{coords = vector3(324.84,-283.52,54.16)},
{coords = vector3(1029.28,176.56,81.0)},
{coords = vector3(-216.2,5.16,52.36)},
{coords = vector3(-971.12,-1124.16,2.16)},
{coords = vector3(659.24,450.76,144.64)},

Code is accessible Both Options
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200 + Config File
Requirements ESX Legacy
Support Yes

Add an option for the items for potentional chances to be inside of there.
For example 0,05% chance to get a weapon or something.

Good idea.

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