[PAID][ESX] Jobs Creator V3 | Boss Menu & Multi Job | Without restarting server

:briefcase: Job Creator

  • :wrench: Now you can completely edit your jobs, its name and label!

  • :golf: You can create different markers with grade access! They are only visible to those who have the job! (Boss Menu, Outfit, Garage, Inventory, On/Off Service)

  • :1st_place_medal: Create and edit your grades for each job! (Grade, Name, Label, Salary)

:star: Boss Menu

All the societies have their own boss menu. They can handle their members (hiring, firing, demoting, promoting) and handle their financies.
With the config file you can decide the minimum grade for accessing and for hiring & firing permissions.

:anger: Multi Job System

Lastly, you have a completed Multi Job System for your server.
Each player can have from 1 to N jobs, decided by you.

:loudspeaker: Preview

:shopping_cart: Buy

:mag: Documentation

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements Above
Support Yes
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For ace allow the ace perms are:

add_ace identifier.license: hire allow
add_ace identifier.license: fire allow
add_ace identifier.license: docJobCreator allow

For using functions:


(The folder_name is where you put my script, for whose who don’t know. In this case: jobcreatorV2)

Of course you can custom the garage system that I provided, and also the illenium-appearance.

You have access to those parts of code!

:question: F.A.Q

Here in the Documentation!

Last update here!

New Release

:fire: Now Company Garages are available!

New Release

:fire: Now markers are only visible only if you are in service

:fire: Now you can see your job label in /jobs menu

:fire: Added function SetJob(jobName, grade)

:fire: Added function RemoveJob(jobName)

can i add at for different job and grades like cuff, uncuff, drag, heal, repair car etc

Hi @Lilifee, these actions doesn’t concern this script. These are police job script, mechanic job script :smiley:

thats a little bit bad. like to use one menu, one script for all my stuff. like “gangcrew” create with creator. can drag via Menu and has "bossmenu, like to make a own police grade with ambulance education so he can revive when no medics online, fire resscue with heal after a car crash
 an this stuff like this

If I need an extra script for the actions like cuff, drag etc. I could just get some free esx job for all the other jobs like gangs. constantly copy and rename, and use Items for the aktions and wouldn’t have to output anything.

I hope you have few experience, because if you wrote this and you think that you have experience
 that’s BAD.

  1. This script is for Job Creation, you create job in-game, not inserting manually in the database and not inserting manually into a config in a script, you do all these things in game!
    My script offer different advantages in terms of time and for those people that are not able to write code!

  2. Created the job, you need to set blips where you open:

  • Job inventory
  • Job garage
  • Personal guardrobe
  • Job Boss Menu (I provided mine with UI as you can see in the video)
    Blips are only visibile for those who have the job and at least the minimum grade of access.
  1. As i introduced you have a Boss Menu with UI, where you can handle finance, hire, fire, promote, demote, 

    No default menus. If you already have a boss menu it’s editable and you open your own.

  2. You have multijob, people can have multiple jobs, and only one active per time: this means that you can’t be cop, doctor at the same time, but when you put yourself “in service” you chose the job.

This script it’s the start of every server. You can create factions, gangs, legal jobs, handle them and edit them from their markers as i described above and their grades, salary, ecc


You are supposing that in this script, you can do all these things and also handle actions of the specific job like: cuff, uncuff, heal, 

These are nothing to do with this script. You are making confusion!

@Lilifee , these script is for job creation as i described and not for specific job action.
When you buy/write other scripts where there is cuff action, as usual you check the job and if you want the grade, but it’s DIFFERENT.

dont missunterstand bro.
it’s all ok. I didn’t want to upset you or make your work bad.
I didn’t doubt that it saves time and that you can create it all in-game. I also think it’s great with the multi-job. I’ve never had any problems with the ui etc. either. That’s exactly why it’s interesting.

For my part, I just thought that if you can specify functions like that from a script, that would be a reason for me to buy it and I just said that it’s a shame and if you have the time and don’t mind it To have such a cool UI that would work with the functions even without an in-game creator. Maybe I was thinking too loudly here.

but as I said. I didn’t want to badmouth your work and script from the start. If I wasn’t interested in it, I wouldn’t have written anything about it.

Yes, your idea is not wrong, but doesn’t make sense with the scope of this script.

Your idea is something that it’s useful for you and few people maybe, but I can’t sell something too specific because people can ask why? I do not all these use cases

I can’t see blips

You see only “In service” blip if you are out of service.
Remember that with /hire and /fire you add and remove jobs to players, then they see only In Service blips if they are off service. If you want to put yourself in service manually you can use /setjob

i 'can’t see the in service blip too and the command set job doesn’t work

Type me in DM :smiley:

I changed a little bit the UI :smiley: and I’ve done some small fixes!

:fire: News

Now supports qs-inventory!

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:bell: News

We’ve got some news :fire:!

  • Added WebHooks (edit them in config.lua)
  • Added the possibility to teleport to markers
  • Added the heading for setup better garages
  • Now you don’t have anymore to do /migrate it will migrate automatically jobs
  • You don’t need to do /refreshjobs anymore it will do automatically when you add a new job
  • Removed annoying client prints
  • Fixed UI scale for Delete context menu
  • Some code refactoring